
Active Member
I apologize in advance if this has been discussed somewhere else (I did a search and didn't find anything).

I am nearing the finish line on my RV-14A build. I have two different friends with extensive flight experience and who are much more current than I am. Both have offered to do the first flight, but I want to do most of the phase one stuff myself.

I would like to fly with one of them for a couple hours during phase I, to ensure I am "up to snuff" on technique, speeds etc. Since phase I doesn't allow for passengers, I would need to be part of required crew, right?

I was told by a reputable source that EAA brokered some agreement with the FAA to allow for a safety pilot if that pilot met certain requirements. Something like a minimum of 80 points on their scale (based on total hours, currency, make and model etc.). If that is the case, then I could fly as the PIC with one of my two friends as the safety pilot until I am comfortable (hopefully 2 or 3 hours) then I could fly off the rest of the 40 hours of phase I.

Anyone heard of this FAA agreement? Any other thoughts also appreciated.
I apologize in advance if this has been discussed somewhere else (I did a search and didn't find anything).
I am nearing the finish line on my RV-14A build. I have two different friends with extensive flight experience and who are much more current than I am. Both have offered to do the first flight, but I want to do most of the phase one stuff myself.
I would like to fly with one of them for a couple hours during phase I, to ensure I am "up to snuff" on technique, speeds etc. Since phase I doesn't allow for passengers, I would need to be part of required crew, right?
I was told by a reputable source that EAA brokered some agreement with the FAA to allow for a safety pilot if that pilot met certain requirements. Something like a minimum of 80 points on their scale (based on total hours, currency, make and model etc.). If that is the case, then I could fly as the PIC with one of my two friends as the safety pilot until I am comfortable (hopefully 2 or 3 hours) then I could fly off the rest of the 40 hours of phase I.
Anyone heard of this FAA agreement? Any other thoughts also appreciated.

You are talking about FAA AC 90-116, "Additional Pilot Program for Phase I Flight Test". It should be listed in your operating limitations.

If you decide to take advantage of this program, read the AC very closely. It is somewhat complex. The AC list the procedure for flying with more than one person during phase I flight testing.
EAA Flight Test Manual & Test Cards

Here's a good resource the will help you during flight testing.

I would like to fly with one of them for a couple hours during phase I, to ensure I am "up to snuff" on technique, speeds etc. Since phase I doesn't allow for passengers, I would need to be part of required crew, right?

Sounds like you need to use the Transition Pilot Training Program and not the Additional Pilot Program for Phase 1 Flight Test. There should be no flight training in Phase 1 hours.
Sounds like you need to use the Transition Pilot Training Program and not the Additional Pilot Program for Phase 1 Flight Test. There should be no flight training in Phase 1 hours.

Sorry - the only way I know of to get another person into the cockpit during Phase 1 is to use the Additional Pilot Program, as identified by Mel. Yes, Transition training is more than a good thing - but that generally is in someone else's airplane.