
Well Known Member
Hi. Anyone interested or available in the Monterey Bay area to act as safety pilot.
Can log the time as PIC and get to ride in a RV6A. If interested pm me. Thanks
Have you run that past your insurance company?

Not to start something. But it's the most misunderstood concept:
There is Acting PIC
And then there is Logging PIC

If both pilots agree that the safety pilot is only logging PIC and the owner is acting PIC, the owner is still the ultimate authority over the flight and responsible to the Administer (FAA), and thus also the insurance company.

I know that statement is going to blow up the internet.
Not to start something. But it's the most misunderstood concept:
There is Acting PIC
And then there is Logging PIC

If both pilots agree that the safety pilot is only logging PIC and the owner is acting PIC, the owner is still the ultimate authority over the flight and responsible to the Administer (FAA), and thus also the insurance company.

I know that statement is going to blow up the internet.

You?re right, it's frequently misunderstood. And, no offense, but you?re one of them. The FARs are pretty clear on this. When one pilot is under the hood, there must be a safety pilot on board. As a required crewman, the safety pilot may log PIC time but only if he is the acting (to use your word) PIC, e.g., if he is the ultimate authority over the flight.
This comes up all the time with regard to Basic Med: Pilots flying under basic med cannot act as a safety pilot, unless they also are THE PIC (ultimate authority).
I don?t think anyone cares, as long as you don?t run into an over zealous faa inspector, or there?s an accident. But, just in case the worst happens, I wouldn?t advertise on the internet that you?d let someone not named on your insurance policy act as PIC.
I stand corrected. Your right. My dislexic brain got me. Your correct. Both pilots must agree the safety pilot is also the acting PIC. Thus your insurance statement.
I also read about the basic Med. I did not know that.

Just a question. Pardon my confusion.
In what situation(s) would the pilot under the hood be PIC instead of the Safety Pilot?
Just trying to get it clear in my feeble brain.
Just a question. Pardon my confusion.
In what situation(s) would the pilot under the hood be PIC instead of the Safety Pilot?
Just trying to get it clear in my feeble brain.

example: Bob owns an RV. He recruits "John", a private pilot who has never been in an RV, to serve as safety pilot. Which of the two do you think will make decisions, if things go bad? e.g., which field to head toward if the engine quits?That person is the ultimate authority, the person legally responsible for the safe and legal operation of the airplane. I would say 99% of the time it will be "Bob". If the pilots swap seats, and "John" flies under the hood while Bob is safety pilot, then it would seem reasonable that Bob is still PIC. After all, it's his airplane. In one famous court case, it was held that the person in the back seat of a V-tail was the PIC (he was the owner, and after an engine failure, he leaned forward and gave "commands", which the two pilots in the front seats followed.) The truth is, it is often the court that determines who was really PIC.
Great discussion and all the replies. I was fortunate to find a CFI with RV cred to act as safety pilot, thanks.
I guess I misunderstood someone?s ability to log as PIC as safety pilot. Again thanks for the clarification. Non-issue now but good to know. I suppose their was confusion regarding that topic.
I'm right next to Palo Alto. If you ever need a safety pilot let me know. I'm full time building a 7 now, so I'm free all the time. I can drive down to Monterey or it's a quick flight over there hill and I can meet you at any airport up this way.