
Well Known Member
Shamelessly plagiarized from another forum:

"Many of you are aware that the hasty action by Congress to pass the Basic Med law left a couple of holes in the regulatory system, most notably, the part limiting Basic Med use to the pilot in command. The result was that one could not act as a safety pilot for someone under the hood unless they were also acting as PIC. This created a lot of issues involving insurance and PIC qualification requirements for those flying under Basic Med to act as a safety pilot. This was recognized by the FAA four years ago, but it's taken them that long to fix it.

Good news is they issued a Final Rule this week removing that restriction, so that anyone with no more than the appropriate category and class ratings on a Private or better can with Basic Med be a 91.109(c) safety pilot without being PIC. The Final Rule has been published, but is not yet effective -- that's about 30 days in the future. But it's good news not only for those on Basic Med, but also their friends looking for a safety pilot."

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The Basic Med applicable part of this rule is on Pg 4 which states:

"The FAA is also making two miscellaneous amendments. First, the FAA is amending sections of part 61 to allow persons to act as pilot in command (PIC) during a special medical flight test authorized under part 67 without holding a medical certificate.

The second is making a minor change to regulations amended or established by the Alternative Pilot Physical Examination and Education Requirements final rule to allow a required pilot flightcrew member who is not acting as PIC to operate under BasicMed.
I'm so glad this fix has been implemented! Opens the door for many pilots. Now I don't have to tell my friend I can't safety pilot for him without also being PIC in an aircraft I'm not insured for. :)
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The Final Rule was officially published today. The safety pilot fix goes into effect December 22. This "oversight" will no longer be a factor in flight safety.

The Final Rule was officially published today. The safety pilot fix goes into effect December 22. This "oversight" will no longer be a factor in flight safety.


Thanks for posting Galin. Really glad this got accomplished.