
Well Known Member
I'm currently at the stage that I would like to run my pitot and AOA tubing from SafeAir1. I already went through the "fun" of installing conduit into the wing ribs on the QB wings and the thought of having to try and drill more holes in the wing walk doubler ribs isn't appealing.

So my question is the snap bushings provided by Van's look like they are 5/16 ID and 7/16 ID. I assume one is for the Van's pitot kit and the other was intended for running wires through. The SA1 kit uses 1/4 OD tubing.

My thoughts are that I could get rubber grommits that might be 1/4" ID and the right size for the existing hole. Also I suppose I could do something to "build up" the area where the tube goes through the existing snap-bushings.

I'm wondering what others did in this situation. The obvious possible vibration concerns me, but maybe I shouldn't be so concerned since the tube will be rubbing on the snap-bushing.

As a side note, I love searching for something (like this) and coming away without the answer, but answers to other things I didn't even know I had questions about. :D I'm going for the move the pitot tube in a couple of ribs and making a doubler plate suggestion that I found on other installs of the SA1 kits.