
Well Known Member
I have the safeair Pitot mast. The instructions show exactly where to mount it for an RV-6. For 7,8,9 builders they just say "will be working past a wing rib just outboard of the inspection panel." If I use the first three rivets just outboard of this rib, this will put the safeair mast 20 inches outboard of the location Vans specifies for the pitot tube. Is this OK? Is the lateral position of the pitot tube critical?
i just did the same thing

I hope this is OK.

I just put the mast outboard of the last inspection port and like you noticed you couldn't use the 1st three rivets as directed in the safeair instructions because of the rib, so I went just past the rib outboard. The hole is their now.
I have the safeair Pitot mast. The instructions show exactly where to mount it for an RV-6. For 7,8,9 builders they just say "will be working past a wing rib just outboard of the inspection panel." If I use the first three rivets just outboard of this rib, this will put the safeair mast 20 inches outboard of the location Vans specifies for the pitot tube. Is this OK? Is the lateral position of the pitot tube critical?

Pitot tubes are very tolerant of different mounting locations, as the laws of physics are very helpful here. Moving too much inboard could be a problem, as it could put the pitot tube in the prop wash. But a move outboard would be fine as far as pitot tube accuracy goes.

One thing to look at is where it is with respect to the wing tie down point. Normally the tie down point on the ground will be outboard of the tie down point on the wing. Visualize where the rope will be going and be sure the pitot tube won't be getting in the way.
Thanks kevin, good tip about the tiedown location. With the pitot in the location I described it will over 10 inches inboardof the pitot tube, which I imagine will be OK.