
Legacy Member
January 10, 1989, after a long conversation with Richard Vangrunsven, Ann, Myself, and Red Marron ordered 2 RV-6 kits. In May of 1993 both airplanes flew within 2 days of each other. Late into Phase I, I watched Bob Newton take off in N168TX for it's aerobatic wring-out. That's the last time I saw that airplane fly without me in it....until yesterday. Yesterday the airplane took off for it's new home in Louisiana. After a thorough interview, a very nice couple adopted N168TX. I am convinced that they will care for her just as they do their Cessna L-19, but We're sure gonna miss that bird.
Hang in there Mel <g>.

First, congrats on the sale. You and Ann have been a HUGE part of my RV life. I bet that was tough to watch.

I understand you're building a high wing bush type now, so keep us in the loop on that and I hope to see you at a gathering soon in it.

Best always,
I feel your pain. I was just thinking of this yesterday. I used to love flying my plane back to Mass. to visit my mom and today marks one year since I've seen her. I just haven't been able to get away and that plane use to have a way of making me get in and launch.

I'll miss that plane forever.

Here's the thing, though: I was just thinking this morning what a great owner the person I sold it to is. He's putting a new instrument panel in and is making it his own.

It could've gone to 100 different places, but instead it went to a really great guy who's become a good online pal. It went to the perfect home and will keep making someone happy.

I'm guess you'll also find comfort in knowing yours did too.
Mel and Ann,
That was a sweet plane.
It will be missed but just press on with life.

Thanks for all you and Ann did with my build.

Can't ever undo that.
Best thing we did so far and looking forward to
More adventures in the future, just like you two.

Best wishes,

Boomer and Kat
Mel, your RV-6 was the first RV I met in person. I think it is still the only RV-6 I have been in.


Thanks again,