pierre smith

Well Known Member
......by Thursday of this week, after the National Ag Aviation convention in 'Vegas. I'll be flying into Sac, then driving to Chico/Paradise area for a family visit and would love to stop by other RV'ers on the way up or down.

Let me know who you are and your availibility and see if we can hook up.

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If you would like to stop in Inyokern CA (KIYK), let me know. Got a 1946 C-140, an RV-4 on the way and also an RV-8 on the way.
Cameron Park, o61, is less than an hour to the east from Sacto. We have a number of RVs here-----

It sounds like you are flying in commercial, not your own plane?? Is that why you are going to Sacto, and not directly to Chico??

530-417-1124, give me a call if interested.

Would love to see you in Reno. I'm being inspected by FAA tomorrow and hope to do a first flight sometime this week. Don't necessarily want a big audience, but would love to have your experience look over my RV for squawks etc.

(arehart at unr.edu)

Still workin' a couple items to have the airplane flying in time for your CA visit.

E. Ignition, EFIS and Wx permitting, will try my best to head over the hill to see you where ever you are hangin' your hat (Chico/CIC?) or maybe for a hook up with Mike (like we talked about earlier). I'm off DEC 10-12 and 16-17. Will you still be in Paradise on 16-17th?

Alternative (especially if E. Ign still down) may be to have ya up to RNO as Greg mentions, and we can bring out the RV boys here! Or heck, a few of us could make the drive there (if we can't coerce an airplane ride out of someone!)

Looking forward to meeting you Pierre!

Greg...also trying hard to get 'er flying in time to provide chase for your first flight too! Looking like Wed or Thurs?

Sacto Bound


What's your route of flight???? I flew from here (N. GA.) to San Francisco and other parts West in early Oct. on the way to The Land of Enchantment Fly In.
If you would like to stop in Inyokern CA (KIYK), let me know. Got a 1946 C-140, an RV-4 on the way and also an RV-8 on the way.
And Rosie is just another 15-20 minutes south of Axel at the Rosamond Skypark (L00). We've got room in the hangar for you Pierre ;-) Rosie
I'll miss a get-together on Saturday due to my airline sked this week (SA-SU-MO). Forecast looks a bit snowy up here in RNO over the weekend too (could mean rain in the Central Valley as well, but I hope it doesn't spoil a good get-together!). However, looks like it might clear by Wednesday, 12/17, which is a good window for me, if that works for you Pierre (and anyone else).

Hope you guys can still work out a weekend gig, and I'm sorry to miss it! I'll stand by for other possibilities as well.

Hope the conference is going well (an Ag Pilots' convention must be as fun as Tailhook! :))

Update from Pierre

Just off the phone with Pierre, and he's on the way from Las Vegas to Sacramento this morning via airline. From there, he'll rent a car and head to Paradise, where his folks live, arriving this afternoon (Thursday).

Pierre has been watching this thread, but has been unable to post...looks like a password issue (DR, I think he shot you an e-mail on it).

Pierre's very excited to meet local RVers, and is up for a Saturday git-together at Chico (CIC). He asked that locals (either there or that are flying in) please post a time and place for meeting up. Not sure if anyone is based there, but on Airnav.com I noted one FBO and an Airport Deli listed. If you are heading to CIC Saturday and have any ideas, please post them here.

His itinerary for his trip is Paradise today through lunch Wednesday 12/17, then off to the SF Bay Area to visit his kids there.

Since I'm working Saturday, I'll sadly miss that hook up, but will try to head over the hill to CIC tomorrow or next Wednesday, weather and airplane permitting. Mike S, could pick you up in Cameron Park if you're game!

Will post more on Pierre's behalf if he can't log on later on.

Pierre's very excited to meet local RVers, and is up for a Saturday git-together at Chico (CIC). He asked that locals (either there or that are flying in) please post a time and place for meeting up. Not sure if anyone is based there, but on Airnav.com I noted one FBO and an Airport Deli listed. If you are heading to CIC Saturday and have any ideas, please post them here.

I?ll volunteer my hanger from 12:00 ? 2:00 as a meeting place. I have a few other things going on Saturday so this is my only window. My hanger number is C-26 at the south end of CIC.

It?s nothing fancy. I?ll have some drinks, chips and lies on hand.


I am trying to get my 6A to Oroville from the Monterey area to change out the engine. I was stopped by the dreaded Tule fog last weekend but had a great coastal flight. I am going to try again Saturday and if weather permits I will stop by Chico. Hope to see you guys.
Finally in.......

......:) Hi everybody,
Well I'm in the library in Paradise after visiting the Chico airport this morning and also Paradise (CA92), a private, public use airport, 3200' long with quite an upslope....17/35...they land on 35 and take off on 17..usually.

BTW...a guy up here recently sawed his -6 in half with a chainsaw to avoid liability issues..:eek: involved in selling it. Then when he found out someone was gonna use the fuse rear half (from the canopy back)
, he retrieved it from the dumpster and had a crusher crush it all....they had talked to EAA HQ's and tried to convince the guy not to do it but the paranoia...sheesh.

I'll be at CIC tomorrow around 12:00 to meet up with Hugh, et al and visit. Meantime, you can call me at 478 494 3757 for any other discussion.

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I'll be at CIC tomorrow around 12:00 to meet up with Hugh, et al and visit. Meantime, you can call me at 478 494 3757 for any other discussion

Looking forward to it Pierre!

My hanger is C-26 at the south end of the field. It is on a ?T? hanger row and near the runway end (West).

For those driving in, use the south most entrance. This entrance is south of the fire station. Somebody will have to let you in the gate. Beep your horn and I will come running to let you it. Please be patient. I can?t always hear the horns from where my hanger is.


Glad you got back on at the library, and I see you posted your ph #, so I'll skip the request for other numbers we discussed this am. :)

Have fun in CIC everyone, and sorry I'll miss.

For Mike S, will shoot you an e-mail about alternative possibilities. With the wind coming up today over the mountains, it was looking pretty shaky for getting back cleanly (had to be able to get back to go to work SAT), so I'll shoot for Tuesday mid-day or early Wednesday. Kinda depends on when this storm blows through. Will write.

Glad the trip is going well Pierre!!

Looks like the weather is closing in. Great second flight this morning but now the wind is blowing something fierce. Supposed to be a bit of a break on Wednesday, so I might come over with Bob (CIC is barely within my 100 nm test circle) if it looks reasonable.

Chico visit

It was good to meet Pierre and see three RV works of art. The two you see in Scott's pictures and a 7A nearing completion.

Thanks guys and nice work.