
Well Known Member
It was my first visit down south and first S-n-F experience. I was volunteering with sheet metal workshop. To say it was great or cool means to say too little. It was absolutely BRILLIANT and RIVETING experience! I am missing that place already.

I Jetted my way to Tampa. Working and living in New York City I got used to 24/7 fast-paced life. I was expected some crowds walking Tampa streets after I have read all those tourist guides. No way. The downtown was EMPTY on a beautiful weekend evening. I didn't catch neither my planned street car ride nor a show. Wait, there was a disco concert across the river at the University. Some groups of young people were spotted there may be a hundred souls or so. It made me feel better.



Stayed at the University Inn overnight. Next morning I got a call from fellow RVator relaying a message from a local RVator. Offer to pick me up and transport to the grounds was gladly accepted. A ChevelleBoy showed up 11 am sharp in his turbo-souped jet-A powered truck. Man this truck is a tank! And painted like Uncle Sam's Suburban! So we trucked our way to Lakeland and stopped by registration window. Gent working tirelessly volunteers' registration told me that first year volunteers do not have right to camp. What?! One phone call and two minutes later I was on the grounds with all my credentials handed to me. Conclusion - if you volunteer, contact your shop chairman first, the registration guys may have no clue who you are.

Huge tent was erected with help from Fort Lauderdale RVators. They occupy that corner for years and years. Very convenient location.


The workshop experience was undescribable (if there is such a word). Lots and lots of interested people. Almost all of them had general understanding of metal work and steady hand with a gun. I had a pleasure to demonstrate some building techniques to people who already bought their tail kits. Though we had limited assortment of donated tools, everyone who wanted some practive, got it. Some builders came next day and partially completed Vans practice kit. The whole box of the parts was donated to workshops by Vans couple years ago. There are still some leftovers for next year. Come and check it out. I had a pleasure to show how to rivet to first RV-9 bulder in Dominican Republic.


Thanks Waldo for that opportunity! Couple of capable gentlemen flying heavies expressed their satistaction when we went straight to mistakes like dimpling a (lightening) hole in rudder skin then tried to fix it in wrong way. Making smileys and slipping the gun or bucking bar on purpose were accepted with special thanks. Very, very positive learning experience for me. There were husband and wife doing some riveting as a team and did well. Lucky guy that husband do not remember his name.They have A7 tail at home.
We had a sizeable group of volunteers in the shop and once in a while the chairman let me go for couple of hours to visit vendors, walk the line etc.


"Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. Eye of Newt, wing of bat."


I made hundreds of pictures but after looking at albums made by other people and photopros I shrank my collection to two dozen.
Planes rolled and looped, climbed and spinned, smoked and then performed everything again and again next day and day after next. My kit lenses could not capture all this airshow topsyturvy in full bloom. But some pictures on the grounds were kind of interesting. These giant eyeball vents and non-Vetterman exhaust.



I had my first RV ride out of South Lakeland Airport. Professional actor Eddy Fernandez owner of beautiful RV-9A called his buddy Jim Streit (also RV-9A) to grab me after workshop and go flying. Special thanks to you Jim! Man what a machine this guy has! Catto 3-blader, carbed 320, exactly the same setup as mine. Operating from the grass with proper technique - no issues. He demonstrated everything the plane can do and strongly advised get good transition training before first flight. I was a bit uncomfortable with non-towered environment, looks like airplanes were everywhere in the vicinity. And nobody is talking to an authority (tower) to request or confirm something. But the good thing is you do not need to wait in line after 16 planes (Republic Airport of Long Island) run up and take off with dozen more landing in between. Unforgettable ride. Thank you Eddy.


Be continued...
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You showed me & my wife riveting at S-n-F this year. We really enjoyed the workshop and she now understands when I talk to her about Rivet guns, compressors and other subjects in constructing a RV aircraft. Thanks

Hi Joe

Glad you liked it. I see in your profile you have the 9 not 7. Post your progress on that tail. See you next year the same table different rivet gun...

Added: Stay tuned I have an impressive compressor to show, cyberpilot has three of them (not for sale)
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Great pictures of your trip to SNF, Vlad, thanks.

I enjoyed them from the perspective of our water logged air park home....cut 8" grass on the runway yesterday and had a report I was leaving a rooster tail, there's so much water. Was thinking of flying but glad I did not attempt it. Don't know which would be more appropriate, skis or floats. :(
Great Teacher...

Finally after a few years with our empenage siting on the garage, we now getting ready to start.
We apreciate what you did for us ,taking out the fear to start. Definitely there a lot to learn , and a lot to rivet...

THanks again Vlad

Waldo Pons
Dominican Republic.
RV-9A (Empenage)
Regular day of S-n-F volunteer starts around 6 am. Alarm clocks not necessary. You wake up anyway. One morning it was Raiders' Parade and next morning the noise was so unusual I jumped out of my tent to check it out. Have anybody ever imagined the sound of low flying baloon? You can not sleep at those decibels. It sounds like Hollywood beast in Lord of the Rings. I run into my tent trying to remember where the camera is but it was too late the baloon was blown a distance away from our camp


After breakfast at Fred's we started workshop. Business unusual as usual.


Do you see that corroded control surface to the left? That's how your airplane may look if you do not alodine your airframe...


We were short on air terminals to run several tools simultaneously and one of the volunteers brought his portable manifold. Neat thing.


Afternoon the fresh wave of volunteers reinforced our ranks and relieved I went for a walk. First visit to the factory tent. The Man himself was volunteering at the booth


Then rows of RV in all flavors and colors.




Mighty AirForce was displaying its 6th generation fighter. Servicemembers at the back porch are probably worried about transition training.


other extras rolled and looped, looped and rolled, I can not count that far...

This is one man's creation. Tracy's Rotary


And this is a product of thousands licensed engineers. Cessna Caravan.


And this is famous Bud Warren's RV. You can easy rotate his prop there is a coupling.


Aeroleds are looking good on Piper Jet


This dataplate reminds me when I was in Soviet Union. M-14 made in USSR.


Look who is here. RV builder from Russia Alex Kochetov (right) with his buddy Andrey. Shopping for engine and avionics. Is there a sign DO NOT TOUCH? It should be written НЕ ВЛЕЗАЙ! УБЬЕТ!


Two other former countrymen were hurrying to pack their trikes. Time is running out for them. Show is about to start...


Later Three Stoodges (Peter Lawrence, Charlie Kuss and I) stopped at a Comedian Show. Whole hour he was telling the show has not began yet. Everybody knows who this guy is and how funny his stories are.


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Well everything good ends fast. On my way to the airport I have an opportunity to visit a ranch. Thank you again Rich Denton. The lot where ranch is located is so huge you can easy land RV there. This blue eyed Mustang was so friendly I asked the owner for horseback ride in the future.


This is Rich's other hobby. Cars.



These compressors are just enough to build RV-8 tail. There is one more on the other side. When he starts wings and fuse there is a huge diesel powered air station outside. He will be OK with air to rivet. And that RV will be polished so no more air is needed to paint.:D


See you next year guys!

I'm glad your S-N-F experience was a great one. We enjoyed having you down here. We look foward to seeing you next year!!!!! I hope that by next year I can take you out for a drive in the Chevelle. I won't let anyone drive it again before then, except for my father.... I know he can handle it.... expensive lesson learned....note to self, don't loan your car to your buddies..
Try to stay a couple of days later next year we will saddle up blue eyes and put you in the round pin where he can't hurt you too bad......lol lol. Your welcome here any time....Thanks for all you did.... See You in 2010.

Rich Denton