
Well Known Member
Hi everyone,
I am proud to announce that my RV8 is now flying since 07/27/12 and is out of the French equivalent of phase one from monday.

I took me 2 1/2 years from reception of the empennage to first flight but 2 years of building as I did not anticipate how fast the empennage was going to be built.
I receive the empennage for my 18's birthday (majority in France).
For the story I was thinking of an RV8 for a long time but my parents were saying that I should finish my studies before thinking of building an airplane. As my birthday was getting closer and as my parent didn't find an unforgivable present, they asked my plane instructor what could that present be? and without hesitating a second he told them "an RV8".
Having never seriously discussed of that with my parents, I let you imagine how happy and surprise I felt when I discover the empennage kit in the living room..

As a aeronautical engineering student, the most difficult thing during this 2 years experience was to conciliate the studies and the work I had to do on the plane if I wanted to finish it.

I did the first flight on a calm evening and get no surprise with the plane expect that it performs much better than other airplanes I used to fly.
The plane had no heavy wing and no left or right yaw tendency.
With the plenum, on first flight I noticed that the CHT temps were pretty high (410°F) but get the same temp on all the cylinders and oil temp was in the 205°F range.

Now after 20 hrs of flight time, the CHT are now on the 350°F range and oil temp in the 185°F with 77°F OAT.
The plenum seems to be very efficient as in cruise I have 0-2°F difference between the cylinder heads.

The plane is a joy to fly and gave me the RV grin each time I jump in it.








(From left to right)
Me, my father and my plane instructor asking how it flies and my first impressions of the first flight
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Bastien, I am very impressed by your build.....perfect for an aeronautical engineering student!

Congratulations on a beautiful, well done airplane.

I'm speechless! What a significant achievement...and, your RV-8 is beautiful.


You're 20 (and a half) and you've built and test flown your own RV. Awesome start for an aeronautical engineer! Congratulations!
Bravo Bastien !!!

Bravo Bastien !!!

J'en ai le souffle coup? !!!

Quel bel appareil, ton accomplissement est une grande source d'inspiration pour moi !!!

Encore une fois f?licitation !!!!!
Congrats young man and also to your proud parents You have a very bright future. I hope some day you would consider working for Boeing.:D
Looks fantastic! Congrats and what a paint job!! Nothing but fun in front of you. Dave


I opened this link and verbally said "Oh sh&t! Look at that!"

What an amazing looking 8

Rob Holland would love it ;)
Wow !!!

Congratulations Bastien!

That is one incredible machine you have there. The paint job is outstanding with an enormous attention to detail. I have enjoyed our conversations over the web and wish you all the best. Awesome Job!

PS - seeing your 8 painted has inspired me to starting thinking about my paint scheme. Hmmmm:rolleyes:
That is an amazing looking aircraft! I can't say that I've seen another paint scheme that was as striking as yours! Beautiful! Congratulations!

For you to be studing and building, flight testing! Earlier message said you are 20, Bastien - you put us others to shame! Nice job man and thanks for motivating us others to achieve more.
Your paint scheme is eye candy! Be ready for long days at remote airports with the on lookers of that 8.

Very nice build and determination! When is your next build, and what will that be? haha

Have a blast and fly safe.

that is quite a accomplishment. congrats. i also like the color combo.

this is also giving me an idea for a poll. keep us posted on your adventures.

expecting some incredible videos and pics from her.

what is the difference in the graphics on the top of both wings?

can you give some info on the area that you fly in. thanks. adios.

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Un tres bel avion qui vient rejoindre nos RV Fran?ais
En esperant te voir un jour ? Blois ou sur les rassemblements prochains
Bonjour Bastien,

What an achievement, and in a foreign language too! I learned to fly in a foreign language (French!) and that was challenging enough but to build and superbly finish your own plane, and at your age too, is a much more memorable experience.

And you could not find a more appropriate place to live - Vannes ;-)

Wow all I can say. Congratulations on a great accomplishment at such a young age.

And to all those who say the next generation is nothing but lazy, video-game-playing couch potatoes, I give you...Bastien! (and there are many others like him)

Nice work! It will be really interesting to see what else you can do in your lifetime. Amazing plane.
"The plane is a joy to fly and gave me the RV grin each time I jump in it."

Great look plane young man! Congrats on getting the job done!:D

I didn't expect to get as much replies for my first flight.
Thanks for your compliments.
For those asking what will be the next airplane. I think I will stop there as the airplane is really the one I wanted. However in 2nd year of my studies, I had to do 8 weeks in a summer internship as worker and I chose the Vannes' Airclub (Airclub were I learnt to fly) and started the building of an RV9-A and did the organization of the workspace, the empennage and the wings (w/o ailerons and flaps) including priming.

As gblwy said, Vannes is the right place to live for someone building a Van's.
Going further, the airfield number is LFRV.

To answer turbo,
there is no real difference between the top and the bottom of the plane. On the top it is written Van's Aircraft and RV8 and on the bottom I have the registration number. On the fuse it's more easy to see the difference.
I leave in Vannes a 60,000 inhabitants city in the brittany county (Northwest of France). It is known as a rainy county and some tells that if ask a 20 years old man were is the sun ? it might reply to you, "I don't know, I'm only 20 and I never saw the sun..." But in reality, it is a very nive place to live and the coast is awesome. More locally, Vannes is a great place to fly and to sail with the "Golfe du morbihan" (you can google earth it) with tenth of small island, the "quiberon bight" which allow to sail with a calm sea, etc... If you come in brittany, do not hesitate to contact me and I'll told you what to visit;).

To answer DAGO,
I am considering working for such a company and would love to live in the US later.
For the 4th year (next Spring/Summer), I am seeking a 4 month foreign engineering internship in a aircraft company/ factory but from the research I made, it seems that it is quite hard as a foreigner to have this kind of internship. I will do some hard researching by the beginning of september and try to find one.
It will not be simple... but I will do my best!
A help in finding this internship would be great for my studies and future.



Thanks again for your comments on my first flight, I will post when I get some high quality photos and some videos.
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Congratulation, Bastien!

I really like your paint scheme! ... and admire even more your commitment to aircraft building. It's quite a accomplishement.
Wow, that's an awesome build congratulations.

You're parents aren't by any chance looking to adopt a mid 30 year old son?

Hello Bastien,

Congratulations! It took me 5 years to build my simple RV-9A........

I am sure that there are some people on this forum that can, and will, help you with a reccomandation in the right direction for your carreer!

I love to fly in France (was at Cuers and La Mole last weekend) so maybe one day we will meet. Have lots of fun flying that lovely plane.

Regards, Tonny.
Panel picture

Congratulation, what an awesome RV-8. I am curious to see interior and panel photos if you would not mind sharing some.
Congratulations Bastien! You've built an absolutely gorgeous aircraft. Fly safe, and have fun.

We're going to be in France next week, but unfortunately we'll be in Paris, not Vannes. I would have loved the chance to see your aircraft in person.

For the internship - I have contacts at Bombardier in Montreal, Toronto and Wichita. I don't know if they accept foreign students as interns, but I can inquire if you wish.