
Well Known Member
My wife and son have decided they want to learn to fly.

I'd prefer to teach them in an RV-12 in preparation for a -7.

Anyone in SE WI (driving distance of KETB/KHXF) have an RV-12 that would be willing to sell a share or make other arrangements?

Many thanks

Be careful

...once they get hooked up with the might have a challenge moving them "down" to one of those lower models...:p
My wife and son have decided they want to learn to fly.

I'd prefer to teach them in an RV-12 in preparation for a -7.

Anyone in SE WI (driving distance of KETB/KHXF) have an RV-12 that would be willing to sell a share or make other arrangements?

Many thanks

When considering options other than shared ownership, be sure to take a close look at the operating limitations and insurance restrictions. There may be things in there that preclude paid training / solo flight for anyone other than an owner.