Well Known Member
Anyone have any experience with this tow bar. Received mine the other day and it is not very usable with the Bell tail wheel. Finish and accompanying docs left a lot to be desired. Input and alternatives are appreciated.
Rudder ?

Does the Bogi-Bar have any tendancy to bang the rudder ? Since, it's straight, it seems you would have to be careful ??

I can understand a tow-bar for non-swivel tailwheels. For any full swivel tailwheel it would seem that simpler is better.

I use a piece of rope with loops in both ends, one loop I grab and the other loop attaches the rope to the tailwheel spring. Cost is zero, weight is a few ounces and it is extremely portable and won't damage the aircraft. And after you pull the plane back you can use the rope to help you lift the tail to put the tailwheel back into proper position.

Oh, this model is the MarkII version with some hose over the rope loop that I pull with.
Neat idea, Larry! The Bogi hasn't whacked the rudder on my plane yet, but it certainly could. I got along for years without one by pushing the plane backwards into the hangar at the HS leading edge...one hand each side of the fuse or one on the rudder leading edge. Worked well on level pavement but my airpark home ramp has a slight grade to it and it makes the plane feel like it weighs twice as much as it used to.
Rope and a piece of PVC for me. Putting the RV7 back in the hanger is a 30 second job for one person, 5 minutes if friends insist on helping. Attach one end of the rope to the PVC, loop it around the tail wheel and back to the PVC. Pull!
Team ropin' RV style

So, I guess the "rope trick" isn't just for Lycoming valve guides anymore. Only reason it wouldn't work as well for me is that I have to steer the airplane back into the corner of the hangar to get it juuuust right to clear the cars, tools, lawn tractor, and steps up into the house. Need direct link to the axle for that. For a more direct, straight back or less critical positioning requirement, the rope idea is brilliant. Or, maybe I just need to try it sometime. For taking on the road, it clearly is a better choice than hauling a Bogi or equivalent.

Now that ya'll gots yer lariats on board, you kin call yerselves RV Wranglers. Round 'em up! :)
Brian Denk said:
...Only reason it wouldn't work as well for me is that I have to steer the airplane back into the corner of the hangar to get it juuuust right to clear the cars, tools, lawn tractor, and steps up into the house. Need direct link to the axle for that...
Yeh, Brian, the rope might not be as good for that, but I think the big difference would be if you have to juggle the airplane back and forth. The rope doesn't work for diddly when you push on it.