Capt Sandy

Well Known Member
Hello RV'ers. Roy and I joined the trip to the Antilles. Here is a write-up from the right-seat perspective, and some photos to share. We had a GREAT time. More info to come, on our time in the islands.
I'm glad you got on the plane! How could you concider not? Will have to read further! :)
Thanks for sharing?
It's a big ocean.

I've spent enough time on boats to know that we are really tiny on a BIG ocean... still, I DID get in the plane, and oh so glad I did. (It usually goes that way.)
What a great read and timely......

for us that is, as we both struggle with the time to hang up two rather demanding careers and paychecks for retirement and adventure.

Loved your blog and congrats on taking the time to adventure yourselves into the future.

Life is but a string with a beginning and unfortunately and end! We have to make the best of the journey along its length and you two seem to be doing it well.

Thank you, Dave

I'm happy you enjoyed the write-up. We had our own challenges stepping away from the corporate world. We also had 'life events' that incentivized us - not-so-gentle reminders that we are only on this planet for a limited time. Roy and I are so fortunate we have this time - and that we get to see the world in a way so few humans do. Keep us posted on your escape plans!