From what I've seen, it'll start on the 22nd or 23rd and end on the 30th! Acres and acres of RV's, hundreds of them, REALLY! It's RV heaven.

No, there is not a mass arrival planned for RVs. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen some year, but it hasn't before and isn't planned this year.
RV Formation to Oshkosh


You have worked in the RV parking area at AirVenture the past several years. There is one group of RVs that shown up together the past several years on Sunday Afternoon. Two of the last 3 years, I landed in formation with them as a flight of 12. Yes we landed in Fingertip Strong Right with four airplanes touching down in formation at the same time. Falcon put 12 airplanes safely on the runway in less space than 3 typically airplanes take to land. You have saved parking spaces together so that we could fly in the Showcase during the week. There are enough RV Formation qualified pilots that it could happen in the future. I do not see the formation pilots doing this with newbies. I would not want to do this with a group that has not had some training and practiced together.

Gary "Condor" Sobek

sprucemoose said:
No, there is not a mass arrival planned for RVs. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen some year, but it hasn't before and isn't planned this year.
That place is so crowded, I think it's great that they can even find a place for all of them to park together.

In 2003 the RV corral just about filled up. IIRC

I ran into DanC at the Flabob pump yesterday so we went and did some formation flying practice; so i could fly off his wing and work on position.

DanC says he's attending OSH for the first time this year.

btw-- condor flight looked good at Redlands Airshow today. I overheard a woman near me at the hamburger stand say, "That's SO cool." I saw people in tears during the Missing Man fly-by.

(but that white and red plane just doesn't match those silver ones. :) )

If I go-- I'll have to fly the sixty yr old Cessna 140 due to gas prices.
If I go-- I'll have to fly the sixty yr old Cessna 140 due to gas prices.

Hi Mark

I suspect that was tongue-in-cheek, but I bet miles-per-gallon favors the RV.

The 140 I flew the most burned around 5 gph for about 80 knots cruise. The RV needs around 10 for 175 knots (lean of peak).

Today I flew a 404 nm total roundtrip (M01-CPS-M01) on 22.5 gallons. My small SUV would have required almost 10 hours and about 30 gallons of premium autogas. You've gotta love these airplanes :-D

James Freeman
RV6_flyer said:
There is one group of RVs that shown up together the past several years on Sunday Afternoon.

You are refering, of course, to Falcon Flight. We do make special arrangements for them to arrive en mass and park together, as it makes it much easier on all of us to get them in/out for their daily fly-bys.

As for the mass arrivals- I think what Carey was refering to is something like the Mooney and Bonanza groups have been doing for years. They all meet and stage at an airport a short distance away, then arrive en mass. They typically string out at around 1000 foot spacing and land staggered. It makes for some spectacular airplane watching at times, but is certainly less intense that a four ship led by Stu (been there, done that, got the card.) While this certainly could happen, there are some logistic problems with it that we face in homebuilt parking that the Bonanza and Mooney groups do not face.

You planning on coming again this year? I'll save you a spot...
mark manda said:
If I go-- I'll have to fly the sixty yr old Cessna 140 due to gas prices.
That's false economy if I ever heard should be able to get at least 25-30 miles per gallon (no wind) with your -7A. My RV-7 economy peaks around 35 statute miles per gallon and is still doing 135 knots true! Your -7A should do as well if you run it right.

I doubt your 140 could do so well!
BTW...if you don't believe me about the economy thing, check this page out: Note the "MILES/GAL" display. On a trip up to Sacramento when I was running waaaay early, I decided to see where exactly the economy peaks. In my airplane in those particular conditions, it was at 15" @ 2250 RPM, about 75 LOP. 4.8 gph, 170 mph (148 knot) ground speed, for 35.4 mpg. That was flying INTO very light headwinds.

When your Cessna 140 is burning 4.8 gph, I know for a fact it's not doing 170 mph over the ground in any wind conditions!!!
So help me out here-- my C-140 burns max. 4 gph, usually 3.75 gph at 95 mph. 22 gal tanks.

LarryL 6A O-360 just got back from a round trip, actually a month ago before gas prices piked, and IIRC it cost him $750 round trip to somewhere around Milwaukee.

What's it going to cost?
I still flight plan for 10 gph in the RV.
5 in the C-140.

last time I went--, Farmington, ALBur, Garden city, reedsburg Osh. 1600 miles?
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Well There is one group arrival that you can join in

On Sunday all of the participants in the AirVenture Cup Race land at Fond Du Lac after crossing the finish line at a private strip south of there. Then later all arrive at Oshkosh in two lines. Last year we lined up in two columns and took off one after the other maintaining those two columns to Oshkosh and with the exception of the Polen Special landed in those two columns on 36L and 36R and taxiied to parking in an area between the tower and Aeroshell Square. There were a significant number of RVs in the group and if you submit an entry before May 31 you could participate in a group arrival in an RV.

Bob Axsom
mark manda said:
So help me out here-- my C-140 burns max. 4 gph, usually 3.75 gph at 95 mph. 22 gal tanks.
Your 140 is getting 25 mpg (no wind). If you're burning 10 gph in your RV-7A, then you're not gonna get 25 mpg (250 mph/217 knots) unless you have a good tailwind.

It simply comes down to NOT BURNING 10 gph in your RV-7A. Balance your injectors and run LOP. You should be able to burn 7 gph and still do 152 KTAS, which equates to 25 mpg. Or 6 gph at 130 KTAS is also 25 mpg. You should easily be able to exceed 130 KTAS at 6 gph.

Step 2: Learn how to run LOP.
Step 3: Throttle back! (or cruise at say 10,000' MSL or higher where you can achieve the economy without throttling usually have to throttle back to achieve PEAK economy, but you should at least be able to equal your C140's economy at WOT running LOP at altitude...doing 50-60 mph faster)

When done properly, the "available economy" of your RV-7A will greatly exceed that of your C140. And at that point it simply comes down to -- which plane do you want to fly?
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Thank you Dan... for posting this info. Several years ago (more than I care to state and way before all these electronic panels came along) I mentioned to some of my RV builder friends how it would be nice to have a digital readout of miles per gallon...which shouldn't be too difficult once you have a reliable ground speed from a GPS AND a reliable fuel flow from a fuel flowmeter. MPH divided by GPH should equal instantaneous MPG. The answer was "why do you need that? All you need to do is lean for the best GPH!" DUH!!! Seems to me MPG at cruise on a long trip is an important parameter especially as headwinds and tailwinds change. Thanks, again, Dan. You really are on top of what's going on.