
Well Known Member
Windsor Ontario Canada "Bad Attitude Squadron" of Vans Airforce is growing.
I believe we are now one of the larger wings of Rvs in the great white north. We have an rv6, rv6a, two rv7s, 3 rv9as presently based on the field. Sweet.


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Nice formation!

Now get a 7 ship in the air- we want pictures! Very cool picture gents.
Fricken Fantastic.....

I'll be in Canton, Michigan in May, would love to organize a fly in at 1D2 (Plymouth Mettetal, MI) May 16th or May 22nd... I'd grill out burgers and brats for all. Would any of you guys come across the boarder???
Great photo Rick. We have something like 20 RVs/ Rockets at CYBW/ Springbank and I believe over 100 in the province now.

Which airport is the Canadian RV capital? Would be interesting to know.
Fricken Fantastic.....

I'll be in Canton, Michigan in May, would love to organize a fly in at 1D2 (Plymouth Mettetal, MI) May 16th or May 22nd... I'd grill out burgers and brats for all. Would any of you guys come across the boarder???

We are always happy to visit or do trips. If you firm up a date, clarify and lets get a bunch of rvs in! 3 of us are off to the bahamas in a couple weeks. Brats always attract! Let us know thanks!
Great picture. Looks like you could use an RV8. Nearing completion on mine in Kingsville. Love to get together with you guys some time & pick your brains on a few finishing up details, first flights etc. I know Peter & have met Perry.
Great photo Rick. We have something like 20 RVs/ Rockets at CYBW/ Springbank and I believe over 100 in the province now.

Which airport is the Canadian RV capital? Would be interesting to know.

Don't forget about Langley BC. It is the only Canadian location attended by Van's every year for the annual fly-in. We have the Snow*Flakes(TM) formation team that has six active pilots and we routinely have up to 10 for Remembrance Day fly-pasts when combined with several Swifts. We are all FAST certified through SFC.

I no longer am based there but I still fly with gang. Langley is also the home of a ten-time offender who has even built two retractable gear RVs. One of the pilots runs 100ll.ca. A mix of ex-military, airline and private pilots.

June 20, 2015 is the date for the annual fly-in. All aircraft are welcome, bring an appetite.... The best pie west of the Ontario border.
As a member of the Windsor "Bad Attitude" Squadron (RV-9A 2nd row left facing the camera), it's great to hear about all the other Canadian RV hometown pride! Love that they're scheduling home field events. The Windsor crew LOVES to travel (both south as well as north of the very close border) and does so whenever wx, time and money allows. We would love to meet up with other groups. Hometown squadrons...keep posting!
Langley had 22 based on the field at one point, but I think we're now down below 20 again. Every once in a while one taxis past to a hangar and I wonder where the heck it came from, having never seen it before... There are so many you lose track! :)

22 rvs based on your field. Thats unbelievable.. Holly ****!

I thought we were doing great. Geez 22. I don't even have that many friends never mind that many friends with RV's :(
I remember the 22 number because it seemed so outrageously high at the time, but it was a group of us listing the airplanes on the field and multiple people could confirm most of the aircraft. It was about 2-3 years ago in about the June timeframe when we counted them up.

I can think of three that have moved away since, so that means we couldn't have more than 19 right now... Today I can only think of 16 on the field off the top of my head, and one of those, while in the hangar, hasn't flown yet... So not only are there lots in this area, but the turnover is high too.