
Well Known Member
There is a gentleman living in Santa Claus Lapland who likes airplanes and knows what's going on in Suomi Aviation. Of course, Larry, he is one of those Russians you like :D

Anyway, an event took place here


Aerial picture of the place


There were more than 150 airplanes and there were several RVs


Not too many but man aren't they beautiful







If somebody feels comfortable with foreign language, there is the thread
For you glider guys there is a fascinating machine on page 2....
I wish I would have known

I was only about a 1 hour drive away while visiting friends and relatived in Finland during the event. I only wish I would have known there was an RV event in Finland.


Avionics Tech, A&P
RV-4 partial build
1947 Cessna 120
[email protected]
That polished and green -8 may be the prettiest RV I've seen. Nice! :)

Thank you for your comment.
The idea of polished plain/wing came from theory we pilots have been teached about lift of wing= underpressure/suction on upper side.
We din't like the idea to hang on filler or paint.

I only wish I would have known there was an RV event in Finland.

In fact it wasn't RV specific event but general fly-in. For more information look at www.jamiflyin.com -- The fly in has been arranged second weekend of the July every year for quite long time. This year at least 149 planes visited the event, which was a record so far.

There are quality pictures from the event at Finnish forum http://www.flightforum.fi/forum/index.php/topic,88650.0.html. In one of the OH-XRV pictures the builders are on board. ;)