
Well Known Member
I was browsing a foreign forum the other night. There was an airshow and fly-in in Argentina. Original poster was so busy and excited to load his thread with pictures that my questions about where and when went unanswered. Sifting through hundreds of pictures I found a familiar silhuette. RV of course...

Can somebody from Argentina tell us a bit about those machines and the event. Where it was taking place and when? One visitor (RV-10) was from Brasil. What a beautiful bird! Is owner on VAF?

Take a look in the middle of the row


and this one


This beautiful ten



OSHKOSH in Argentina

Hello Vladyspassky, I have a friend and fellow RV7 builder that attended this event and sent me info and pictures. I will put his write up in Spanish and attempt to translate to English.

More pics of the event from Roberto here:

?Es el Oshkosh de argentina, claro que solo vienen 200 a 300 aviones en el
mejor de los casos. Generalmente vienen aviones de Brasil, Uruguay y Chile y
participa tambi?n la Fuerza A?rea Argentina.
Tiene un sentimiento similar porque todos los constructores intentan
terminas los aviones para ir all?.
Se realiza en el chapter 722 de la EAA
El aer?dromo se llama Indefenso Durana y queda en la localidad de General
Rodriguez a unas 100 millas de Buenos Aires hacia el nor oeste.
Esta convenci?n anual fue la n? 28
Adem?s se hizo concurso de acrobacia el viernes, participaron algo de 7
aviones en 3 categor?as... esto hay que fomentarlo.
Cualquier otra cosa ch?flame.


This is the Oshkosh of Argentina; we get only 200 to 300 aircraft. They came from
Brasil, Uruguay, Chile and even the Argentinian Airforce .
It has a similar flavor to Oshkosh, in the sense that all the builders are trying to complete their airplanes to fly them there.
EAA Chapter 722 is the one that puts it all together.
The airport is called ?Indefenso Durana? and it is located in General Rodriguez, about 100 miles North West of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
This was the 28th annual convention.
To top all this, we had on Friday an Aerobatic competitions with about 7 participant s in 3 different aircraft categories?..This we have to promote.
Any other questions let me know.


Thanks Roberto for sharing with us!

Alex De Dominicis
Thank you Alex

There is a nice picture of RV-4 in the middle of the gallery. I supplemented that foreign thread with Roberto's pictures.