After reading this post last night, I spent 2 hours watching this show on my phone. I don't have cable TV or internet due to living in the middle of nowhere and cutting costs for the project. I have never even heard of this show before but it is addicting.
Lizard Lick Towing with wings...

Unwatchable 'show'... stuck with it to see familiar faces and planes but it was tough...
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Unwatchable 'show'...


A while back I saw a couple of episodes of what must be the original version of this show, with Nick Popovich as the main character. I thought it was pretty good. A real world look at what it takes to repo an airplane. When I heard it was coming back on I set my DVR to record it.

The new show is just another over-dramatized "reality" show with no connection to reality, totally fake... I watched one, then a few minutes of another episode. I've deleted it from my DVR so I didn't get to see the RV's, and it would be to painful to sit through just for that.
I saw the original season and thought they might be onto something but I can't watch this ****. These guys may be real but the show is too fake to watch. Besides, who knew radio failures in a Citation causes mid-airs? Now that's scarey stuff right there! :eek:
The original series was mostly about paperwork! Boooooooring. You show up with 10 pounds of paperwork and you get cooperation from the FBOs. But the new one is divorced from reality to a high degree and often insulting to anyone with basic aviation knowledge. So much obvious staging and re-creation. But, some pretty planes...
take it easy now

I'm in there and so is Jim Huff Trevor, and Racer Bob (amoung others). So right there, this show his risen far above the rest of it's ilk. In fact, this is sure to be its best episode ever. period.
Thanks for posting the link Bruce

It was good to see all of our racers, especially the Blue Bird in the Learjet story line.

I didn't get to see the end of the show but I'll bet the wedding party delivery was a heart warming segment.

Bob Axsom

a lot around 23:45 to 26:00, more award aftermath later on, thats me with the Texoma #2 award plaque and Metal Sculpture wine bottle holder.

Also as they walk into hangar, I'm talking to Racer Bob slouched in chair.

Join the SARL Yahoo Group - I just posted about a dozen photos I screen scraped on my iPad - in the attachments section.

Jeff Barnes, Race 411