
Active Member
Where's the best way/place to see finished RVs near San Francisco?

I've seen two in-progress builds, I'd love to see some finished projects, particularly different models.
Welcome to VAF

Andrew, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Pretty sure there are RV's at Half Moon Bay, and Palo Alto.

Bit farther drive, Nut Tree.
If you want to come to LVK I can show you my -10 (do it yourself paint) and my neighbor?s -10 (pro paint job).
Welcome Andrew!

If you want to see an RV looking like it's been through a war zone punch on my tracker on the 19th of March :D

Wow! Thanks for the offers guys.

Bruce - I'd love to fly in and check them out when the weather's nice. Maybe next Sunday depending on how the forecast goes?

Bob - that'd be awesome!

I'll send you both messages to arrange details.

I've heard (and this seems to prove) that there are lots of RVs around here - I guess the best way to meet other RV pilots is to ask on here? Go to EAA meetings? lurk around hangers? :)
you can bet on it

Vlad - you bet! I'll keep an eye out. I have dreams about a cross country out to the east coast... I bet you might have a story or two ;)