
Well Known Member
Like the guy that wrote "Life's Little Instruction Book", as anyone thought of writting this for future RV builders?

Tips that are needed but not posted in the Van's instructions or blueprints that a new builder could read before the pound their first rivet.

With all the threads posted, it would be a natural. Not necessarily a best seller on the NYT list, but I suspect would easily fetch a hundred bucks based on the time and money savings it would represent.

I don't have time to do it, but I suspect that some of the builders are retired and since they have finished building, what a great project.

Anybody up to the challenge?
......Tips that are needed but not posted in the Van's instructions or blueprints that a new builder could read before the pound their first rivet...... Anybody up to the challenge?
The challenge has been met over and over again. It is called "27 Years of the RVator." Some of the stuff you read here for the first time has been known for years. Within its pages you will find scores of the very best ideas and tips gleaned from years of RV construction and operational experience. http://www.vansaircraft.com/cgi-bin...6501-402-192&browse=videos&product=rvator-yrs
Good thoughts

Hey - I knew it was a good idea to do it!!!

Kidding aside - I thought the book was more of a history than education. Think I'll order one on my next parts order for Vans.