
I'm New Here
The first time I ever flew was in the back of an RV-4 and an EAA fly-in that my high school JROTC program got tied into. It was full of Cessnas and Piper Warriors and the like, and there was one RV there. The organizer saw me gawking at it and asked if I wanted to fly it. It was his plane. It was awesome. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I've been a pilot by profession for fifteen years now, and done about zero light civil flying. The time to change this is coming soon. I'm really interested in RVs--just love the look and the attitude. Plus, I can't stand the idea of flying a plane that can't go fast or fly upside down. I think it's high time I start doing some background research on what sort of RV I'm going to want, whether I want to build or buy, etc. Any folks in the Carson City/Reno area with RVs that might be willing to let me buy them some beers and listen to them talk about their planes?

Welcome to VAF

Steve, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

There are at least 3 RVs at Carson City, at lest 6 here at Dayton, and a few at Minden.
I live in Carson but go through Dayton all the time. When's a good time to walk a lap around the airport and find an RV owner to bother?
Take a look at Reno Stead ,KRTS, 15 miles north of Reno on Highway 580. There are mostly 15 RVs on the field, one being mine, -9A. Dan from Reno
I live in Carson but go through Dayton all the time. When's a good time to walk a lap around the airport and find an RV owner to bother?

Pretty much no time for that these days-----not only are all the RVs in hangars, but I am pretty sure you should seek permission to visit first. And, bring a mask for the time being. Not trying to be unsociable, but folks may not be open to drop ins from folks they do not know----all the virus stuff...

Might be best to wait for someone to see this thread, and extend an invite.
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Let?s not forget RTS and RNO

Steve, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

There are at least 3 RVs at Carson City, at lest 6 here at Dayton, and a few at Minden.

We have a few up at Stead too, including a couple of RV4?s on steroids, AKA Harmon Rockets.

If you come up on Saturday, there is someone with one around somewhere.

Let us know when you might come up, and hopefully someone will see your message and arrange a time. It has known to happen.

Good luck.

The first time I ever flew was in the back of an RV-4 and an EAA fly-in that my high school JROTC program got tied into. It was full of Cessnas and Piper Warriors and the like, and there was one RV there. The organizer saw me gawking at it and asked if I wanted to fly it. It was his plane. It was awesome. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I've been a pilot by profession for fifteen years now, and done about zero light civil flying. The time to change this is coming soon. I'm really interested in RVs--just love the look and the attitude. Plus, I can't stand the idea of flying a plane that can't go fast or fly upside down. I think it's high time I start doing some background research on what sort of RV I'm going to want, whether I want to build or buy, etc. Any folks in the Carson City/Reno area with RVs that might be willing to let me buy them some beers and listen to them talk about their planes?


P.M. sent. Based at KCXP.
Right...virus... in my mental state of thinking about airplanes, I forgot. Valid point.

Thanks all for the responses and I'm looking forward to meeting some folks in person! Pretty pumped to find out there's dozens of these beauties within a few miles of where I live.