Well Known Member
Today I had a corporate flight from SC to Frankfort, KY, KFFT. What a beautiful day to fly even if I didn't get to build on the 7 project. I do have to try to pay for it somehow. While sitting in the FBO, I hear on the radio an experimental on final. I watch as a nice Cozy MKIV lands and makes his way to the SS fuel pump. I went outside to visit and look at the plane, but he seemed to be in a hurry and not wanting to visit. So I headed back inside and went to the homepage on my iPad, which is VAF, of course. (isn't everyone's?) :) Then a couple of minutes later I hear another experimental on final and look out to see what it is. Looks like an RV from here, so I tell my FO I am heading out to see it. Well, in taxis a famous RV from the forums followed by another famous RV. I introduce my self and start visiting with Wayne who built and flys the beautiful RV7 you will see in the photos and also start talking to David who is driving the outstanding RV8. You will recognize both of these, I am sure. Each has a pax riding with them. As they are fueling up, an RV6A taxis over as well. I think he is based there, but didn't get to visit with him. What a friendly group of guys and eager to talk. Made my day. They were on their way to have lunch somewhere and couldn't have found a better day for it. Thanks guys, for taking a few minutes to visit and show off your wonderful works of art. My RV will never even come close to looking as nice as these. If you are ever down toward KCUB or KCAE, stop in and look me up.


Indeed, it was an awesome day yesterday -- great day to give friends rides. Had to cancel some for today because of the rain and low ceilings.

Nice meeting you on the ramp Robert. Hope to cross paths later, and congrats on hanging your engine last week.......truly a memorable event..........90% done and 90% to go ;-) Dave
It is always a great day to fly!!! And great fun finding more RV builders out and about. Thanks for sharing the pictures... and Keep on building!!


Today I had a corporate flight from SC to Frankfort, KY, KFFT. What a beautiful day to fly even if I didn't get to build on the 7 project. I do have to try to pay for it somehow. While sitting in the FBO, I hear on the radio an experimental on final. I watch as a nice Cozy MKIV lands and makes his way to the SS fuel pump. I went outside to visit and look at the plane, but he seemed to be in a hurry and not wanting to visit. So I headed back inside and went to the homepage on my iPad, which is VAF, of course. (isn't everyone's?) :) Then a couple of minutes later I hear another experimental on final and look out to see what it is. Looks like an RV from here, so I tell my FO I am heading out to see it. Well, in taxis a famous RV from the forums followed by another famous RV. I introduce my self and start visiting with Wayne who built and flys the beautiful RV7 you will see in the photos and also start talking to David who is driving the outstanding RV8. You will recognize both of these, I am sure. Each has a pax riding with them. As they are fueling up, an RV6A taxis over as well. I think he is based there, but didn't get to visit with him. What a friendly group of guys and eager to talk. Made my day. They were on their way to have lunch somewhere and couldn't have found a better day for it. Thanks guys, for taking a few minutes to visit and show off your wonderful works of art. My RV will never even come close to looking as nice as these. If you are ever down toward KCUB or KCAE, stop in and look me up.

Too late

It's too late, Carlos! I just hung the engine and to see their workmanship and mine.... there is no comparison. I did notice they both had GRT!:D
Thanks for posting those pictures Robert. I fly for the Kentucky State Police and we are based at KFFT. I flew out in our King Air 200 around 1400 that day and there were some charter aircraft on the ramp so we may have been there at the same time. I had to laugh when I read your post though because it seems that even though I am at that airport usually on a daily basis I always seem to miss the RV's when they come in and it has happened again. The line guys will usually just smile and tell me that I missed another one. Good luck with your 7 and thanks again for posting the pictures. Even though I didn't get to see them in person, it's neat to see such beautiful aircraft parked at my home airport.

Brandon Hammers
RV8 Emp. kit almost finished
Saw your 200

Hey Brandon!

I watched them bring a 200 out and park it next to the FBO. Watched you leave as well. We were leaving not long after you and had started our " prepare for launch" stuff. Wish I had gotten to meet you. Talked with several of the guys that work there about the RVs. Maybe next time. I think we will be back and will send you a note if we do.
Thanks for posting those pictures Robert. I fly for the Kentucky State Police and we are based at KFFT. I flew out in our King Air 200 around 1400 that day and there were some charter aircraft on the ramp so we may have been there at the same time. I had to laugh when I read your post though because it seems that even though I am at that airport usually on a daily basis I always seem to miss the RV's when they come in and it has happened again. The line guys will usually just smile and tell me that I missed another one. Good luck with your 7 and thanks again for posting the pictures. Even though I didn't get to see them in person, it's neat to see such beautiful aircraft parked at my home airport.

Brandon Hammers
RV8 Emp. kit almost finished

Brandon, I'm based out of Richmond and fly over to Frankfort fairly regularly. I'm in Australia for about another week but I'll be home around the 6th. We've got two RV's at I39, my -4 and another guy recently finished up his -7A. If you want to see an RV come in, just shoot me a message :)

planning to stop

Tom and Bonnie will be stopping at Frankfort in our RV 7a for the night on Tuesday as we will be flying back to TX from NH and this is our normal half way stop. Probably will be at the self service pump late afternoon and be tied down on the ramp for the night.
Robert that was me you saw in the 200 at FFT. I wasn't in the fbo very long since we had a deadhead leg and didn't have to wait on passengers but I thought your avatar picture looked familiar. I look forward to talking RV's with you if you ever get back to Frankfort.
Dan I think we met this summer in Danville. I was flying the helo and we got to talk for a minute or two. Summer is our busy time but now that we are slowing down I will have to come by and check out the Richmond RV's.
Tom if someone tells you that a State Trooper was taking pictures of your airplane when it was parked at Frankfort, don't worry, it's just me adding to my photo collection.
I guess if I wanted to see more RV's all I had to do was ask. Thanks guys.


Brandon Hammers
RV8 Emp. kit almost finished

I thought you might have been the one I talked to but wasn't sure. Swing by anytime.
