The Creek........

does it all. fun place to hang out and see what is going on.

yep, a garmin hand held 496 on the panel. a must.
Colored smoke

It looked like a couple guys had colored smoke from the video. How did you do this? Looked awesome!
Ahhh - the heady days of Airship Skydiving..........


1980's - had to do some photography for Airship Industries to promote their ability to skydive from a blimp.

It's kind of on thread.

I was shooting stills on an Olympus OM20 and had a full size VHS recorder on my chest with remote camera on the helmet. The helmet weighed nearly 20lbs.

Thankfully I was jumping a GQ Unit which had nice slow openings.
ND game

Last fall, I heard the Goodyear blimp calling that it was departing the Goshen airport enroute to a Notre Dame football game. I was passing nearby, so I kept an eye out -- like you could miss a blimp, right?

It was a LONG time before I actually spotted it. Lost it in the ground clutter, since it was climbing out VERY slowly. So, I throttled back a bit (quite a bit, actually) and bled off speed as Airship One gained altitude.

Not wanting to freak them out and get too close, I kept my distance as I lowered the flaps to slow down as much as possible.

"Airship One, would you like a fighter escort to the stadium?" I asked over the radio. No response. I guess they had already changed freq to South Bend approach.

I gave them a wing-wag and powered up. Did a little roll for their in-flight entertainment. I'm betting that they get that kind of stuff all the time.