
Well Known Member
Have you foks noticed that RV's seem to draw admiration from other pilots?

It never fails that jet pilots on the ramp come over to look and compliment and ask a lot of questions.

I've gotten compliments from ATC like ...."swwwweeeeeeet, nice plane, etc..

I've had a Southwest pilot that was told to look for traffic (my RV7) at 15,000 say "cool".

ATC asked if I built it and then said he was getting ready to put his wings on.

I once was told that a RV was the only experimental that the guy would fly in.
I too have heard many compliments on the RV's. The only downside to others is that all I hear when we go to OSH or other fly-ins is "Look at all the RV's. I didn't know this was a RV fly-in. Dern cookie cutter airplanes!" I do get tired of that, but I do "remind" him that if he wasn't flying his glass a/c his choice would be flying a RV. He wouldn't deny that.
Yes they do

Some in the last couple of weeks...

1. I fly in to Flabob for lunch at the Silver Wings Cafe. First table just inside the door, a quite elderly woman starting in on her blueberry waffles says: "Was that you in that little blue and white airplane? What a pretty airplane!" A good way to start a conversation! She flew out of Flabob for years with her husband before he died... She knows a pretty plane when she sees one.

2. I'm getting flight following from LA Center. The controller says to me "RV 6 Delta Papa, I'm going to hand you off to approach in a minute, but first I have a few questions." I say, "Go ahead." There follows: "Did you build it?" "Carbureted or injected?" "Constant speed or fixed pitch?" "And finally, before I let you go: Tip-up or slider?" I could hardly believe it, the sector is busy, he's handling a fair bit of traffic, but he took the time to ask about my RV. Then he really did have to hand me off, before I could ask him about what he's building :).

3. I've been parked at the Nanaimo BC airport (CYCD) for 5 days, time to depart. I go into the terminal, and ask the first official-looking person I see, "I need to get to my private plane for departure this morning, how can I do that?" She very nicely says, "I can escort you to your aircraft." Then she kind of does a double take and says, "Are you the one with that little blue and white plane with the top that kind of flips up? I noticed that one when it came in." That was 5 days before, mind you.

Etc., etc. It is one of the things that definitely adds to the fun of flying an RV.
