
Well Known Member
RVs people in Europe

The very first VFR day after a while in my area created a connection opportunity.

Three builders, good guys - all in the liner pilot business and never met together, arrived in my home base to meet me.

Dan, retired from airline, flew his red/yellow RV-6 from Swiss.

Hermann, Lufthansa pilot, own an RV-7 and an RV-8. He has some serious plans to cross the Pond to Oshkosh with the 8. :eek:

Tobias - the booster - flies his brand new RV-7. He's a young pilot for Swiss Airline. Hermann and Tobias arrived from distinct Germany area.

We spent some hours to speak about RVs, they took a look of a pair of nice 8s :D, so we had a lunch together.

Thank you for your visit ! See you soon.

"It’s the airplanes that bring us together. It’s the people who keep us coming back."



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The feel-good story of the week, Luke!

So true, you meet the nicest people flying RVs...and flying in general.
Airline pilots in RV?s

Great convention of big iron pilots. As a career pilot in his 60?s, I can tell you that finding three airline jocs that can fly high performance small planes is great. I would guess that maybe 2-3% of the heavy iron pilots maintain the stick and rudder skills needed to fly our planes.
Taking one of these across the pond to Oshkosh is on my bucket list. Along with spending a few months touring the US.

Just the small problem of building it first!

Great pics though, they give a lot of inspiration during those cold dark days in the workshop.
In fact we never met before. I was discussing some technical details with Tobias on Sunday over telephone, don?t even know how we got together there. He said we are going to Trento tomorrow to see Luca, you want to join? I said why not, I?m going to fly anyhow.
So there we met, four RV guys who never met before - very cool!
But it was all too short and I hope we can repeat this very soon. Days are becoming longer now!
yep, it was a great day out, pity we had to wait for the fog to clear before we could set off. Rewarded by fantastic flying conditions, and a great Italian welcome!
Thanks Luca and the rest of the gang, we'll see ya some other time soon :D

Nice Pictures,

Luca and Franz are really great guys! I really look forward to fly to them when I am finished with my 8. I visited them last summer and my girlfriend could finally see a real RV-8 and also sit in one (thanks again).. Since then she pushes me to finish it :)

As Luca said: "It?s the airplanes that bring us together. It?s the people who keep us coming back."
Magic RV stuff happening all around the world. One of these days I would like to put our little spot on the RV map.