
Well Known Member
Great news: International Aerobatic Club president, Jim Bourke recently posted a graphic which describes the aerobatic capabilities of many "aerobatic" airplanes. To the surprise of many, the venerable RV series is now capable of competing in the Unlimited category. This category has long been the bastion of half million dollar mounts such as Walter Extras SC and NG as well as custom MX aircraft and the XTremeAir XA-42.

I have personally flown my RV-8 in IAC competition for many years and have found it to be quite capable in the Intermediate category. Now that I see it is theoretically capable of Unlimited aerobatics I wonder if I was loafing and blind to its ultimate capabilities. I am somewhat baffled to see that the chart finds the RV series unsafe for competition at the lower Advanced level. I can only surmise that the RV is SO good that it is unwise to hold back and languish in the Advanced category.

I called Van's to hopefully get Dick VanGrunsven's opinion on this great news but he was unwilling to take my call. His secretary failed to cover the phone mouthpiece when she relayed the news and I think I heard Dick say "you've got to be s***ing me!" I'll take that as a positive reaction to the news.

PS: April fool!
Ron- Very funny. I'll see if I can get the nerve to outside snap on the downline at around 140.

I can attest that a RV-8 when flown by you is very capable of beating a Pitts flown by me (only by a few tiny % mind you) as I have first hand knowledge of the event. Still a little upset about it too ;-)

Hope you are well and happy April Fool's Eve.
not sure it was a positive reaction from Dick... he’s always been very cautious and never advocated any RV as the ultimate aero gun.

There is a major reason as to why the vast majority of unlimited machines are not made out of aluminum... fatigue.
Hold my beer while I go do some hammerheads followed by some Lomcováks - works fine with DCS World and the Christen Eagle II, should be fine in my RV-8! :D
Wow! The "RV Series" in the IAC list includes the RV-9(A), RV-10, RV-12. Think I'll load up my RV-10 with full fuel, and 3 passengers and enter the next Unlimited aerobatic ;). Or maybe this offer expires after April 1?
Good news for a new -10 owner who doesn't even have an aileron roll-worthy mount anymore!

(Although some guy named Jesse told me on the down-low that the -10 rolls quite smoothly - I'm assuming he meant rolls at about 60 degrees per second, i.e. the Escargot Unlimited category):D