
Well Known Member
We have arrived! Bill "WillyEyeball" McLean and I arrived at North Texas Regional Airport (KGYI) this "afternoon. It's a "Bucket List" for both of us old geezers: a first attempt at IAC competition at the national level! Bill has been flying his RV-4 in competition for a few years longer that me and he does things with that old -4 that you wouldn't believe. And he does it with 160 horsepower and a fixed pitch prop! I have seen him wipe up the tarmac with Extras and Pitts so I'm anxious to see what he does here in Texas. Bill is an optometrist by trade and does research projects for the US Army at Fort Rucker. (Thus the WillyEyball handle.) He signed up with the Air Force early on and was denied a pilot slot because of less-than-perfect vision. Besides, they said that pilots are as comon as dirt. What they needed was an optometrist.
We met up in Grenada, Mississippi on the way to Texas so we could spend a few days together practicing our Sportsman routines before heading to Texas. Bill lives in southern Alabama and I live in North Carolina, so Grenada was a great place to meet and they have an aerobatic box right on the field!

We will get techinical inspections done on the airplanes tomorrow morning. Practice time in the box on Friday and Saturday, then the fun begins in Sunday. I'll post the schedule soon so anyone in the vicinity of Sherman, Texas can come watch the fun!
Ron we will be looking forward to updates as you progress. I was stationed at
"Mother" Rucker back in the late 80's and actually worked MedEvac and the
hyperbaric chamber. I was able to friend many helicopter instructors and as
such actually got to sneak time in the full motion sims.
Looking forward to updates Ron.
We know you and Bill will make us RV'ers look good.

Bill "WillyEyeball" McLean is Extremely well know over in south Alabama, I cant wait to see the results! Good luck gentlemen and God speed.
We are now three!

Patric "Balls " Coggin and wife, Sarah flew in this morning which brings the RV representation to THREE! That's a record! Patric was the sole RV contestant at Nationals last year so we will be looking to him for direction until we get our bearings. First order of business today was to get a technical inspector to sign off our paperwork and aircraft. Dennis Parks, RV-4 pilot from Oregon has volunteered to serve as a tech inspector so it was nice to have a friendly sort to dig into our stuff.

Tech complete, we headed for registration where we purchased that all-important ticket to the end-of-contest awards banquet.

Out on the flight line, Contest Director Gary DeBaun, the busiest man on the airfield, is monitoring at least two radios to keep track of the planes entering and departing the aerobatic box for their practice flights. Patric and Bill got in their practice sessions today and I'll get mine in tomorrow morning if the weather holds. (Rain in the forecast.)

Opening ceremonies tomorrow at 11 AM. Let the fun begin!

I thought I should post a picture of the technical inspection form that is used at all IAC events. For me, it doubles as a checklist which I review before going to every contest to insure that I bring along all the paperwork which is required and it can also serve as a checklist for your walk-around inspection.

It's 0615 as I am writing this and the weather is clear! Might get my 0830 practice flight in before the rain comes.:)
Opening day!

Woke up hoping the weather would allow me to get in my practice flight. This is what greeted us as we arrived at the airport:

We hangared at the Lake Texoma Jet Center which has it's advantages, namely a handful of airplane pushers that will kindly move half a dozen other planes to bring mine out to the ramp.

I preflighted the airplane and with a great deal of optomism I strapped in and called the tower for taxi.

Airborne! Got a partial practice routine in and a good look at the box boundaries before the tower closed the box for weather. Good enough!

Opening ceremonies at 1100 and pilot briefing to follow. Gary DeBaun our overworked Contest Director at the helm again. The first flight for the Unlimited pilots were first up this afternoon.

The flight order for tomorrow is posted. Sportsman and Primary will fly together. (Check out number 15 on the list!)

Hoping for a bit of good weather tomorrow.:)

You guys don't stand a chance (no offense), unless Debby is just flying for a Smooth patch or something like that. In any event, it's going to be fun to see the scores. If you and or Bill beat her scores, that's going to be something to remember!

Good luck to all of you!

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Not so fast!

I'd like to say that we all flew flawless routines today but the truth is, we never turned a wheel due to crummy weather. We do have a few pictures to share but you will have to wait until tomorrow for some flying tales.

You can't miss Bill and me. We're the ones in red shirts.

Bill, Patric and Ron
I was up there on Friday. I had some freinds flying and didnt even think to look for an RV. Friday was a bit breezy with puffy clouds hanging about. My friend and I sat in the hangar and watched a buddy on his practice flight then we headed back to the home hangar. Sorry you got rained out.
first flights

Ron's computer is down, so he can't post the scores or pictures, but he and I are in 7th and 8th place out of 17. By the way we scored higher than Debby Rihn and Mike Rinker flying a Decathlon, and former Unlimited Champions. Poor Patric had one of those moments and flew the wrong figure. We'll be flying again tomorrow, and as they say "we'll get'em on the next two flights".:D
Bill McLean
RV4 Slider
lower AL

I'm down to my Android phone but I think I figured out how to post a photo.
There was an audible groan up and down the flight line when Debbie fell out of her Hammerhead turn. Bet tomorrow will be better for her. We have work to do as well.
Are you guys flying the known three times or have you designed a Free for the next two flights? If so, would you mind sharing... I'd be interested in what shows best flying the RV4-8.

Cheers Hans

Bill had a great flight today while Patric and I just held our own. One more flight tomorrow. Doug Reeves made a surprise visit today. Thanks Doug! Hope you had a good time.
Congratulations Bill!

Nationals is a wrap for the RV guys, and huge congrats to Bill McLean for finishing with a 3rd place overall medal in Sportsman! As you can see, he was only one percentage point behind 1st. I figured he would come home with a medal, it was just a matter of which one. Very well done Bill, and way to show off that underpowered, flimsy, too slick, too fast, can't stay in the box, not well suited to competition RV. :D

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RVs showed well

Thanks Eric, and we only did well because of all the coaching, critiquing, and encouraging you and other highly experienced pros have provided. This was a bucket list item, but I might have to try again next year in the Nationals when they move to Oshkosh. You should be there too, and Ron will carry your baggage. By the way, we scored higher than Debby Rihn on two out of three flights. Tomorrow we'll be finishing up in the Advanced and Unlimited categories. The best free airshow in the country.
Bill McLean
RV slider
Lower AL
Congratulations!!! and my apologies!!!

Simply outstanding flying Bill! You too Ron and Pat. Following you guys during this contest has been very motivational. Can't say that I will ever compete in an IAC contest again, as I am approaching 64 years young, but I will be trying out those Free programs that you shared.

You guys are the best. Well done, well earned!

Best regards,

Congratulations Bill !!!

Wow, great job Bill. You make us all proud. That was a very tough group of pilots and planes you were matched up with.

Hope to see you in Sebring in November. It would be great to have you and Ron there as ground coaches.

Simply outstanding flying Bill! You too Ron and Pat. Following you guys during this contest has been very motivational. Can't say that I will ever compete in an IAC contest again, as I am approaching 64 years young, but I will be trying out those Free programs that you shared.

You guys are the best. Well done, well earned!

Best regards,


64??? Did I mention that Bill started flying aerobatics at 69. He will be 76 in 3 months! I'm 70 myself. This is not just for kids. :D
1) Beware of the man with just one gun.

2) Old age and experience will win over youth and enthusiasm.

3) Dirt is older than rocks, Billy is older than both

Well done my friend.

Congratulations Bill! Awesome! And congratulations to Ron and Pat too! It was a very impressive sight indeed. I'm so glad I got to come out watch you guys compete. You guys looked wonderful out there!
No Excuses, Just Do It!

64??? Did I mention that Bill started flying aerobatics at 69. He will be 76 in 3 months! I'm 70 myself. This is not just for kids. from Ron, and

Well since nobody can use the RV as an excuse anymore, guess ya gotta drum up others. from Eric

Okay, guys. A new goal for this youngster! Thanks,

secret to success

It's no secret that knowing what beer the judges drink will boost your scores. On my last maneuver after a 3 negative G push out from a 45 inverted down line, there is a half roll followed by a full roll in the opposite direction. One judge gave me a 10, and a judge I don't know gave me a 5.5. This judge also gave Ron a 4. He either doesn't like RVs, or is disappointed that we don't know his adult beverage. Thanks for the congratulates, and will have wonderful memories and new friends for life.

RV4 slider
Lower AL:D
Flight awards tonight. Bill sharing the stage with Corey Johnson and three-time unlimited champion Debbie Rihn-Harvey. I am honored to be Bill's chauffer!:rolleyes:

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WOW Bill Congrats......and just in case #1 is from Canada...that means you ended up officially ranked in 2nd Place in the Nationals this year!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's no secret that knowing what beer the judges drink will boost your scores. On my last maneuver after a 3 negative G push out from a 45 inverted down line, there is a half roll followed by a full roll in the opposite direction. One judge gave me a 10, and a judge I don't know gave me a 5.5. This judge also gave Ron a 4. He either doesn't like RVs, or is disappointed that we don't know his adult beverage. Thanks for the congratulates, and will have wonderful memories and new friends for life.

RV4 slider
Lower AL:D

that tells you once again what we are always told...forget about your flying and fly for what the judges want to see!!!!!!!
Check out Bill's hardware

Silver for the second flight and bronze for the third flight. Will get second or third overall at the awards banquet tonight.

(Can't seem to wipe the RV grin off his face this morning.)

Many older folks seem to focus on their age and decide they are incapable of anything.

I have always told my mom I plan to die young (62 now, she is 87), I might be 90 but will still be young. You are living proof right here that it can be done.

Keep doing.
Congrats Bill! Same to all the RVers who are doing such a bang-up job in the IAC world! You guys make it look easy and fun! I know the latter is very true, and the former is most decidedly not true, and a product of a lot of hard work! Well done! :)

straight and level

I'm back in Alabama after stopping to visit two "OLD" friends. The hardest part for me is the trip to and from the contests. My back, legs, and butt are killing me from straight and level flying, so I'm taking a nap shortly. Ron Schreck (RV8) and Patric Coggins (RV4) flew very well, except for a hick up on one of the maneuvers. When they get older, they won't make those mistake. There is no question that most of the IAC members know now that if an RV shows up at a contest, they had better be on their A game. Still have an old man permanent RV grin, or is that a smirk?.:D We really appreciated Doug Reeves (the man) and Jerry Esquenazi (RV8, Falcon Fld, GA) coming up to support us. Jerry will most likely be the next RVer to come play and have fun at a contest.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL
Acro Clinic?

I was talking with Mark Fullerton while at the Nationals. Mark is with IAC Chapter 3 and they host contests at Rome, Georgia. He would like to hold a clinic for aerobatic competition beginners sometime in the near future. It would probably would be a weekend affair that would include a ground school and lots of coaching from the "experts". I would like to solicit suggestions/comments from those of you who have been following this thread. What would you like to see or hear? When is the best time to hold the event, etc? Once we sort out the details I'll start a new thread and gauge the level of interest from RV pilots.