
Is anyone planning on bringing their -9 (or -7) to SnF this year?

If so, I'd be thrilled to get a chance just to sit in one and would pay for the opportunity.

I'm not sure if the Van's exhibit allows this, or if they're giving demo rides and would hate to miss the opportunity to check cockpit fit.
I hope to be there in my -9 from Thurs. eve till Sat. morn in HBC.

Van's will let you sit in the demo airplanes, and they do some demo flights at events, but you'd better be there really early to sign up, and the model choice will be limited.
There will be many

Yes, you will find many -7 and -9's at SnF.
I'm hoping to be there Wed. - Sat, weather permitting. If you stroll thru Home Built Camping you'll find people that will let you try one on.