Well I pulled the trigger today and ordered the empennage kit for a 8/8a and a bunch of tools. I live in Spring TX and fly for a local airline. I was wondering if there is 8/8A at KDWH that I could look at sometime. Also I have found two EAA Chapter in town (Ellington and Conroe) and was wondering if there are more around that I could visit.

Guess its time to clean out the garage...

Any help would be greatly helpful.
Welcome to the world of building....

There are several RV's at Hooks. You should reach out to John Bixby. He's jbDC9 on VAF and owns a RV-8 that really has a hard time staying on the ground.

I am the Vice President of the EAA Chapter 12 in Ellington, you're welcome to stop by at any time. I'm also a member of 302 in Conroe. Both are good groups.

I live in Kingwood and I'm building a -10. You're welcome to stop by and check out the project. I'm expecting my fuselage in a couple of weeks.

We're also looking at opening a new EAA chapter at Williams Airport (9x1).

In addition to everything that Phil posted, there is a monthly RV Builder's group that meets for lunch at one of the local airports (it moves around) on the third Saturday. The location is usually posted here on VAF, and there is a Yahoo Group that gets an occasional post. There is a lot of RV activity in a city this size - welcome aboard!

Thanks for the quick replies and good info guys. I'll try and make it out to the next "gathering". I'm sure I will need the help of just about everyone of you along the way!

Paul, Your plane is VERY nice and something to strive for!
Hey Clint,

Fellow XJTer here....

You are welcome to come check out my build. I am in the Woodlands area. Also Conroe has a large group of RV'rs

-Matt Sturgis
There are several RV's at Hooks. You should reach out to John Bixby. He's jbDC9 on VAF and owns a RV-8 that really has a hard time staying on the ground.

I don't know man, I've heard that dude's a complete idiot. Uhh, wait a sec...
If that Bixby guy gives you a hard time I also have an RV8 at Hooks and would be happy to show it to you.
I have met them both...

and their wives! Really nice guys over there. I had a flight into the area last year and hung around the airport and met them all. Go by there, you'll be glad you did!!:eek: