That was a great log, how did she perform? I assume you mean the planes performance ?:D
You Yanks are so lucky to have great airspace a& accomodating ATC, down under we small planes are to be swatted like pests by our ATC!!!
That is an awesome detailed post of your trip, loved reading it! It's reports like this that make me keep pushing through my build.
Great write up! I did the "same" trip over the weekend to a friend's wedding. Landed about 20 miles south of you in Plainwell. We opted straight over the lake. And I just brought my -6 to mobile avionics at 3CK for panel upgrade. Swing over there to check it out if you'd like! I'm sure I'll see you around one of these days 👍
Great write-up. I did my training and earned my PPL at 3CK back in 1981. Looks very different now according to Google Maps!
Building a Plane - EASY. Ironman - 1/EASY!

WOW, gotta meet. I'm impressed with everyone doing an Ironman, and both of you. Makes marathons seem like a jog round the block.

You'll love the RV.