I landed there a couple years ago in a cirrus and the only difference between there and any other airport was the constant reminders to "keep my speed up" and obviously the extra taxi instructions getting around that big place.

Once you have landed at one of the big boys, they are all within your abilities.
I've flown into Midway a few times too, with good experiences similar to yours. A few of the notes I've compiled.

1) Atlantic is a slightly more little-GA friendly in that they have avgas and tiedowns (first come first served).

2) The controllers will happily steer you out way over Lake Michigan at a relatively low altitude to get you out of the way. Don't hesitate to tell them unable.

3) I came in once with winds about 30kts straight down the runway. I was going so slow on long final I had to sidestep runways three times so the 737s could get around me. The passengers thought it was fun, but I was a ball of nerves.

4) Overnight parking at the FBOs is quite reasonable, I think it was $10 or $15/night. I recently did a trip to GYY to try it out as an option for Chicago travel and it was $25/night ramp fee there!