You?re doing great

I can't wait to be doing stuff like this!

Keep at it and you’ll be there before you know it! Sounds like you’re almost ready. The 9A is such an incredible plane. And you’ll have so much pride being the builder. That’s the #1 question I’m asked, “did you build it?” Reluctantly, I have to say no. I build a Sonex and wish I had to the space, time, money and patience to build again. Lol. But I just love flying too much.
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Love your stories Josh thanks for sharing them. The 9 is such an incredible time machine. You are getting around. It?s addictive isn?t it? I fly several days a week for groceries, hardware store, autoparts, haircut you name it. There is pharmacy in PA I visit once a year for a flu shot and almost always there is the same nurse. Couple years ago she wondered about my address I live that far. I told her about the little airplane it?s only 40 minutes in it I can stretch to one hour. Last year she just smiled and asked how is RV doing? Keep traveling Josh keep telling us about your destinations. Thanks again.

As I sit here eating breakfast in the rain, some aged sharp cheddar and rye toast,it is great to read about trips from ALL of the trip writers.Thanks to all that take the time and effort. Growing up on a dairy,beef, and hog farm, steak was just one option for breakfast. When we were there a few weeks ago I did have a steak, cooked a bunch more, but the salad bar is fantastic also.
Love your stories Josh thanks for sharing them. The 9 is such an incredible time machine. You are getting around. It?s addictive isn?t it? I fly several days a week for groceries, hardware store, autoparts, haircut you name it. There is pharmacy in PA I visit once a year for a flu shot and almost always there is the same nurse. Couple years ago she wondered about my address I live that far. I told her about the little airplane it?s only 40 minutes in it I can stretch to one hour. Last year she just smiled and asked how is RV doing? Keep traveling Josh keep telling us about your destinations. Thanks again.

@Vlad- I completely agree about how addictive it is. Even my wife, who hated the Sonex, loves getting in the RV. The other day we had a few hours of good flying and she looked up at the sky and said, "It's a good time to fly. Too bad we have plans and can't cancel." I laughed so hard because that's what I used to say all the time. I wish we could fly to groceries, I wouldn't mind it so much then! hahaha.
As I sit here eating breakfast in the rain, some aged sharp cheddar and rye toast,it is great to read about trips from ALL of the trip writers.Thanks to all that take the time and effort. Growing up on a dairy,beef, and hog farm, steak was just one option for breakfast. When we were there a few weeks ago I did have a steak, cooked a bunch more, but the salad bar is fantastic also.

@868RM - Sometimes as I write my little blog I ask myself why I do it. Do people like it? Does it add value? But then I read the comments from everyone, your comment and feel great about them. They are fun to write and knowing people enjoy and appreciate them makes it so much more fun. Thanks for taking the time to read.

I'm going to start a throwback Thursday blog soon to fill in more than just the weekend little trips. Hope they get the same feedback and joy the trip write-ups do.
Flying for groceries

I've flown for groceries many times, It's a nice change of pace. Reedsburg WI (C35) has a big grocery store and hardware store adjacent to the airport and reasonable 100LL.

@Vlad- I completely agree about how addictive it is. Even my wife, who hated the Sonex, loves getting in the RV. The other day we had a few hours of good flying and she looked up at the sky and said, "It's a good time to fly. Too bad we have plans and can't cancel." I laughed so hard because that's what I used to say all the time. I wish we could fly to groceries, I wouldn't mind it so much then! hahaha.