
Well Known Member
Thank goodness for the low ceilings/temps on Saturday, I could make the re-scheduled due to weather memorial fly-over for Ralph Bond (Gone West EAA'er) on Sunday afternoon. It's been months since I've gotten to fly with McDoogle and my little boy's been bugging me daily to go flying. Mid day temps around 50 degrees as we saddle up and get ready to light the fires.


Never mind my kiddo's airplane noises as we brief the loose formation flyover.


That's Ralph's Cub up front, flying on in his memory.


Tucked in behind McDoogle's wing on the way home.


We tend to "get" each other, go figure.



Thanks for coming over and flying with us. It was a pleasure meeting you. You didn't happen to leave your wheel chocks here did you?

It's a rotten shame none of your kids are the least bit cute..... ;)

Thanks Pete, you should?ve seen him run into the hangar and back to the airplane with the towbar........then He proceeded to melt down shortly after due to ?no nap syndrome.?