
Well Known Member
Got an e mail and some photos from Alex Harney who purchased my F1 last summer. He took his first long trip in it with some RV friends that pretty much spanned the entire Australian Continent twice. Below is his e mail and some photos. Looks like they have fun down there too.


How’s things We had a successful trip to Perth and back There was two RV7’s the Rocket a C-182 a Glastar and a conventional tail wheel Europa The RV’s and myself travelled together and met the others at the stops which wasn’t too bad We had fuelled etc by the time they arrived so they didn’t have to wait This is my mates brief summary
Other than that I have a problem with fuel pressure and when it is parked in the sun for a while the alternator switch won’t turn on It seems to be OK when in the shade This only showed up after we got home With the fuel pressure I’m thinking it may be getting air in the system through the selector valve The fuel injection manual has that as a cause for fluctuating pressure I have to get it sorted soon as it’s a little unnerving when it goes quiet as you well know So if you have any thoughts on either problem it would be appreciated


Subject Red Bull Trip 2008
Hi Guys


Home (tully) to Mount Isa 6.00am Departure, 408.4 Nm 2.4hrs fuel only

Mount Isa to Ayres Rock 555.2 Nm 3.2hrs fuel and stopover. Beer started flowing by lunch time, not good


Wake up 3:30am. Airport by 5:30am, only to find that Toms plane had snapped its ropes during the night in a storm. Luckily the security had caught up with it and secured it back down (nil damage hooray).Late start as storms were still around

Finally Ayers Rock to Warburton 252.6 Nm 1.8hrs fuel only. Travelling companion who had left earlier, called us on the radio to say he had gone to 8500 feet. Nice and smooth but only getting a ground speed of 42 knots. Needless to say we never went there

Warburton to Meekatharra 443.8 Nm 3.1hrs Fuel and a unscheduled stopover due to real bad turbulence 2.88Gs, and 40 knot headwinds at times. Try doing that stint with a hangover. Not Good

Day 3
Meekatharra to Geraldton 252.5 Nm 1.7hrs stop look at some guys F1 rockets
Geraldton to Jandakot 228.6 Nm 1.6hrs

Red Bull. Great time had by all

Day 7

Jandakot to Kalgoorlie 314.4 Nm 1.8 hrs fuel

Kalgoorlie to Forrest overfly 9500ft 213 knot GS past by some storms building than coastal low level on the great australian bite,and down the hiway pretending we were driving,in the meanwhile sacrificing 93 knots GS to do so

only to arrive at the Nullabor Road House in 40 knot winds
513.5Nm 3.1hrs fuel and stopover had dinner, checked weather on internet storms coming distructive winds and large hail stones,stayed up till 11.30pm untill they dissipated


Nullabor Road House to Port Pirie via Whyalla 395.5Nm 2.3hrs fuel only didnt stay long because the flys were so bad i looked like a black fella, Tom was telling them off and Alex reckoned he was wasting his time cause they wern't listening. Geoff, another mate who was travelling with us, departed ways. From there he headed south to Yarram near Melbourne

Port Pirie to Temora 487.1 Nm 3.0hrs fuel and stopover. Too nice a leg 7500 feet and as smooth as silk. Every now and then you would have to rattle the stick just to see if the control services were still attached


Late start Alex's F1 had low fuel pressure so they worked on it in a couples hanger that we had met the day before, so I took the time to wash our planes

end result fuel pump on its way out couldn't get another one so he flew the remainder of the trip on the electric pump

Temora to cunnamulla 398.9 Nm 2.6hrs fuel only
cunnamulla to longreach 288Nm 1.7hrs fuel and stopover arriving in 42 celcuis heat


Longreach to Home 346.7 Nm 2.1hrs returning home to a delighted family in a formation overfly

total 4885.2 Nm and 30.4hrs

All in all it was a fantastic trip