
Well Known Member
I am coming to Tucson with an RV6. New RV owner, non builder (for now anyway) looking for folks to fly with. Some formation, some acro etc

Is this area full of RV types?


There is a 3-ship practicing formation via FFI standards in AZ- Andy is close to you in Eloy- Hank and others in Chandler area. I'm up north in FLG. Allways looking for more interest to build a larger squadron in AZ. Based in TUS now?

This time of year we practice out of CHD or further south (CGZ?)-short hop from TUS. Acro in an RV? of course! if no Form planned. :D
Fly safe!

aztailwind at

I am coming to Tucson with an RV6. New RV owner, non builder (for now anyway) looking for folks to fly with. Some formation, some acro etc

Is this area full of RV types?


I am pretty new to this so will have to get some training and get used to the plane as it is new to me. So new in fact that we are still finishing up the pre buy incidentals.

I still want to share some hangar space if possible in the Tucson area as well. Until I round up hangar space it will stay put with the last owner.
Tucson RVers


There are several RV's in the Tucson area.

At Tucson International Airport (where I am based) there are 7 or more. There is a core group that goes flying on the weekends for the $100 breakfast. Some are current or ex-military and they fly formation with a few others. Some go out and shoot up fake tanks in the MOA on the weekend.

At Marana Regional there are several RV's. I know three of them and they typically join the core group from Tucson on the breakfast flights. So at a typical $100 breakfast we may have 4-7 RV's in attendance.

At Ryan airfield there are few RV's as well. I don't know much about who is who there.

If you would like more info or to join us please send me a private message and I will give you more info.


I'm at Ryan...a buddy of mine with an RV8 is leaving in April so I know of 1x spot possibly coming open...shared hangar space.


You forgot to mention she would have to share the hanger with the MIG-15. Personally I believe this is a very "Cool" plus.


I am concentrating on RYN now and have been there this week talking with several folks about hangar space. Today I'm going out to look at a couple possible options.

John, I believe I saw your RV8 there. Pat showed me the hangar with that sporty little MiG17 and your plane. Both are quite nice.

Thanks to all for your help.
At last

Finally, me and the plane are both at RYN. Landed today from NorCal.

Beautiful day for the big trip home. I'll be the one flying all week
My wife and I are considering moving to Tucson. Does anyone know what hangar space is going for in the area these days? I would be working at Tucson international airport if we did end up our there. Also, what's the word on airpark communities in commuting distance to TUS. I found a few looking online, but they are very high-end and well out of my price range (La Cholla). Anything affordable out there?

Tucson is a nice place to live (most of the time). I have been here for 30 years. There is plenty of t-hangar space at TIA at $325/mo. Ryan is a little cheaper if you can find a hangar.

La Cholla airpark (North of town) is pricey but over the years Tucson has grown around it so there it isn't far from major shopping and restaurants. However La Cholla is about a 40 minute driving commute to TIA (on a good day). The two other airparks (SE of town) are a bit remote, have a great view of the copper mine tailing mountains from decades of mining and the lots are rather pricey. No shopping near or any other services.

Hope this helps.
The WX man stinks

Happily I ferried that new plane home last week with hardly a cloud in the sky for 600 miles, but every day since that I have been home the wx has been less than stellar.

Sheesh, doesn't the wx man know I want to fly my new toy?

Maybe tomorrow.
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Happily I ferried that new plane home last week with hardly a cloud in the sky for 600 miles, but every day since that I have been home the wx h been less than stellar.

Sheesh, doesn't the wx man know I want to fly my new toy?

Maybe tomorrow.

I want to be a weatherman when I grow up. What other job can you have where you can be wrong 90% of the time and still stay employed? :D

Hang in there Cathy. It'll get better...eventually...
Bet you were flying today

Happily I ferried that new plane home last week with hardly a cloud in the sky for 600 miles, but every day since that I have been home the wx has been less than stellar.

Sheesh, doesn't the wx man know I want to fly my new toy?

Maybe tomorrow.

Weather today was great. Drove my car around the block (1 hour drive). Great flying weather.
The wx is here, I wish you were..........

I didn't fly today as I am am toiling away in the salt mines, working thru the holidays, but I did get to fly just before I left
I even had some company with a sweet RV8 with a new smoke system.

I would have gotten a pic or two, but thought it bad form to have an 8 on my wing and me with no a/p and a camera in my hand snapping away.

Next pime pix!

Happy New Year y'all