
I'm New Here
We are planning a trip from Houston to Indianapolis on Nov. 15-19. Any RV'ers in the Indianapolis area have any suggestions as to an airport that would be close to the RCA Dome and RV friendly! We will also need to rent a car and hotel suggestions would be great. Thanks for the help! Glenn
Indy Airports

Mount Comfort on the east side, Eagle Creek on the west side, and Metropolitan on the north side. All three are good places. My personal preference is Mount Comfort.

You can fly into Indianapolis International. It's busy, but not prohibitively so. Signature took care of me just fine.

David Wright
You have all the close-in airports, and I agree on Mount Comfort, although Greenwood might be a little more convenient. It it pretty friendly, although I don't know if there are cars on the AP. Everyone delivers, though. You can probably find cheaper fuel a little ways out. Stop by OVO (North Vernon, IN) for good fuel prices and great folks. Let me know if there is anything you need; I'm based at OVO.

Bob Kelly