
Well Known Member
Anyone in 36U? Russ Mcdonald Field Heber UT, Deep Valley, Park City?

I'm recently in the area, living in Midway, and I have an -8 project still in storage back in CT, my old stomping grounds. I want to bring it out here and begin working on it again and I'm hoping to find some builders/flyers here. When I get it out here, I'll be looking for a hanger/workspace, so if anyone has a line on something, I'd be happy to hear about it.

Message me here, or email to: [email protected]

Pretty sure there are some, but I don't know directly. I'm sure if you know around there on a Saturday and inquire you'll find some. I flew up to 36U on Wednesday. My RV7 is based at KBTF and there are a few here as well.

Went to KLGU for pancakes on Saturday (2nd Saturday of the month) and there were 10 or so RV's on the ramp.

Welcome to UTAH.