
Well Known Member
One of the nice things about this list is being able to post a call for help and have it answered in 20 minutes. . . .

I have been working "back east" for seven weeks now and was planning on returning home when this project ended. My original plan was to do an oil change on 339A when I got back to Front Range. Well my work had other ideas and I need to go straight to Florida from PA.

Last night I posted a question looking for someone to help me with an oil change before we head to FL. Kirk Groves (RV 8 driver at Smoketown, PA) called and offered to fly over to York and give me a hand. When I told him that wouldn't be necessary, he offered up his own hangar and oil changing supplies and took time out of his Sunday morning to help a fellow RVer.

So at 8:30 this morning, I'm in the plane and call Kirk on his cell and he's already at his hangar waiting for me. A short 20-minute hop and I'm on the ground at Smoketown talking with Kirk. We proceed to push my plane into the hangar and commence with the oil change. After about 15-minutes worth of work and an hour of good conversation, the oil change was done. I fueled up there at S37 because it's the cheapest fuel in the area, and headed back to York.

It's just nice to know that no matter where you are in the country, you can put out a call for help on this site and get a response almost immediately. Thanks again to Kirk for taking time out of his Sunday morning to help a brother out!
It was a pleasure to meet Scott and his beautiful 9A this morning:D
Anytime Scott you and any RVer are always welcome at my hangar:D