
Well Known Member
If ye are new to the RV Family, ye may wish to review this thread first?

From the First Adventurers


Listen my children and ye shall hear
An RVer?s adventure with Champagne and beer.
It begins at the airport; well, that?s not a shocker,
But ends on the cliff over Davy Jones? Locker!
If ye?re an initiate to this bottle brigade,
Then retrace the steps those before you have made.
It was Scoot and Cookie who heard Horton?s Who;
They told Taco and Belle who heard Horton?s Who too.
Their charge was a vessel to cache on this rock.
They completed their task; it?s a chip off the bloc.
Now go ye and find it and make note within.
Others will follow and do it again.
In fullness of time we may unearth the treasure
Revealing our brethren and taking their measure.

To the Initiates

Initiates of the RV bottle brigade now is the time to go forth, intrepid in the face of the unknown, ready to follow the path of the pioneers and complete the cipher which will lead ye to that which has been hidden. (Pay close attention to the wording in this document; yer quest is hidden, not buried. No tools will be required nor trespassing on private property allowed.) By becoming a member of the RV bottle brigade and participating in this quest, yer automatically sworn to secrecy regarding all information concerning that which is hidden.

Yer reward lies in the satisfaction of having followed all instructions, completed each task, and taken absolute joy in the journey. These things and these things alone ye may pass on to those who will come after ye. The location and contents of that which is hidden must remain for each in his turn to discover and augment.

From the First Adventurers

Avast me hearties, if it?s treasure ye seek,
Ye?ll tour this small island before ye can peek!
So follow this course, for to place after place,
You?ll tromp and you?ll travel but at your own pace.
When ye?ve seen all the sights and the scenery delights,
When ye?ve learned and ye?ve gleaned all the island insights,
Then at last ye?ll be given the ultimate clue,
And ye?ll understand just what ye must do.

To the Initiates

Hark to the tasks to complete before ye begin yer search:

1. Secure a map and information guide of the island.
2. Secure a local brew which is called __________.
3. Wade along the beach and enjoy!
4. Pat a ?Potcake? which is a __________.
5. Assemble yer raiding party .
6. Unless ye consider yerself a gladiator, secure some wheels.
7. Refrain from consulting the internet for the duration.
8. Secure a scrap of paper and quill for note writing.

Add up and note the number of characters in yer prep work
above, ye?ll need ?em later. __________


From the First Adventurers

Now ye?re prepared, let the journey begin.
It?s the center of town ye?ll want to be in.
So go there forthwith and await yer instructions,
No guessing, no wondering or far out deductions,
Just stay on the course and quick as a wink,
Ye?ll stop at a place where glasses will clink.

To the Initiates

Be about the first leg of yer island exploration:

1. On a low retaining wall in town by a paver lined sidewalk is an inscription that reads ?Welcome to Grand Turk White Cliff of Dover (date)__________________________.?

2. The Turks and Caicos National Museum is located on Front St. in _________________ House. Three exhibits featured there are _________________. (Exclude these three from yer count or ye?ll miss the treasure.)

3. The number of cannons in the downtown area facing the sea are _______________. Extra personal satisfaction points if ye know where there is another one______________. Jibe ho and set a leeward tack southbound to find it, but exclude it from the count.

4. The name of the space capsule John Glenn came down in off shore was _________________ (replica can be seen at the airport.)

5. Go north from the museum and locate the Bohio Dive Resort (or its current iteration); stop in at the bar for a little refreshment and breather before the next part of yer journey or bring yer sovereigns and eat a hearty meal, enjoy the water and resume yer quest on island time ? that?s whenever ye feel like it, Mon.

Add up the value of the digits in #3 and number of characters in #2 and make note of the total count for Leg 1. ______________ [#1 and #4 will have a particularly special use]

?Close is good enough,? applies to this adventure, so ?Don?t worry Mon, be happy,? and have yerself another beer.
RVers? Grand Turk Treasure Hunt (2)

From the First Adventurers

So intrepid ye are to have come this far,
But be temperate (somewhat) or ye’ll stay in the bar!
Ye’ve further to go and the Deed’s not yet done;
No quitters are ye ‘til the Treasure is won!


To the Initiates

Out o’ the bar and on with ye then for yer second leg:

1. Locate Crabtree Corner Community Park and take the Road N by NE to find a higher education; take the road as far as it shall take ye.

2. Now that ye’ve traveled many a road, the dominant hooved animal is the________________ .

3. The tall house on the sea was built in __________.

4. __________________________ is believed by some to have first made landfall on Grand Turk.

5. Look out point is named in honor of _____________________.

Add up the values of each digit in Clue #3 and characters in the other answers (last names only) in this leg and add to the totals from prep work and Leg 1. Make note of the total count here: ________ as it is the answer to Cipher Clue #2.

From the First Adventurers

Read what we first told yer poor beer soaked brains.
Before ye go searching all through the terrain!
Ye need to think what ye’ll be looking for,
Or be out on that rock ‘til yer mad to the core!
Consult the final cipher…
For you have arrived…

To the Initiates

Aye me hearties, yer almost at the place where the proverbial X marks the proverbial spot!

1. Locate this monstrosity and the direction of yer raiding party shall be determined by the runway numbers that ye shall derive as follows: the day in the answer of Leg 1 Clue 1 minus the number in Leg 1 Clue 4. Ye were told they had a special purpose.


2. March yer party the distance of Cipher Clue #2 and seek yer block in the underbrush.
3. Complete yer task by finding the “chip off the block.”
4. Carefully inspect all sides and crevices when ye’ve found it - beware of cacti and other prying eyes.
5. Extract yer treasure and observe what’s within.
6. Add yer own note; seal up the vessel, and put it back exactly where ye got it.
7. Remember, “Mum’s the word,” or ye’ll walk the plank!
8. Now, go back down the road to the beach, grab a libation, watch the sunset, and enjoy yer conquest.


Now that ye have had the adventure created by those that have gone before, ye are required to update this framework for those that follow to better or correct it. Remember the following guidelines: it must remain fun, doable in a ½ day, and allow the adventurers to be conscientious guests of this grand nation.

Creative Framework by: JLC
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I don't know any of the answers to your Treasure Hunt questions, but I do know that this was some of the best fried fish I have ever had. Fresh from the sea!. You could also by weed there, but we passed on that.



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