
Well Known Member
Hey guys,
Had a neat RV day yesterday, after work it was a nice night so I head to the airport and push "Dakota Queen" AKA mini "West by gawd Virginian":D out and blast off for some fun. A couple rolls and cuban 8s later I land and while fueling up notice a family with a young boy by the fence, so after topping the tanks taxi over by them and shut down and invite them over. Lots of big smiles and the little fella loved seeing the plane, and while we were chatting Mel the airport manager pulls up with a golf cart full of people, turns out it was a group from Belgium and the gentleman of the group was a RV-7A driver!!!:D I have to apologize I don't recall his name but a very nice gentleman and we had fun talking RVs. Amazing how many RV brothers and sisters we have out there.:D
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!!!
RE:Love the Grin

Hey guys,
Had a neat RV day yesterday, after work it was a nice night so I head to the airport and push "Dakota Queen" AKA mini "West by gawd Virginian":D out and blast off for some fun. A couple rolls and cuban 8s later I land and while fueling up notice a family with a young boy by the fence, so after topping the tanks taxi over by them and shut down and invite them over. Lots of big smiles and the little fella loved seeing the plane, and while we were chatting Mel the airport manager pulls up with a golf cart full of people, turns out it was a group from Belgium and the gentleman of the group was a RV-7A driver!!!:D I have to apologize I don't recall his name but a very nice gentleman and we had fun talking RVs. Amazing how many RV brothers and sisters we have out there.:D
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!!!

Ya just got to love a friendly airport. Ya just have to love friendly/accomadating airport personel, ya just got to love wonderfull RV drivers that spread the good word about flying....... & some of the best machines in the sky!!!

Thanks for a post that got the grin on my face!!!!!!!!!!

Frank @ 1L8 .....RV7A.... about to move to the airport "YES"

Going to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia and Estonia in September. I doubt that I will fill any lines in my RV sighting book with models and registration numbers and locations during the trip. What? you and yours don't have an RV sighting book? Anyway, I have never seen one outside the U.S. and even here they are fairly rare. That's why at a normal airport (not Oshkosh or Chino) eyes are drawn to them. With the friendliness and pride in your airplane you have exhibited in this forum I am not surprised that people seek you out. There are a lot of people that would like to have an RV and the reputation grows because they are such good airplanes in so many ways. My little airport in northwest Arkansas has one RV-6 and four RV-6As based there and mine is the only one built by the owner. What will the current economic situation do to the company and the continued growth of the number of RVs? - it's hard to say but they are recognized by aviation buffs as an icon of amateur built experimental aircraft. I'm sorry but if they don't become too common it wouldn't bother me.

Bob Axsom
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It is so true Bob

Just a couple days ago I was browsing a friendly resourse and a new airport construction thread caught my attention. The place was in Crimea, Ukraine I visited in the late eighties. I scrolled down a bit and here it is a word RV. Digging deeper and talking I found out that the owner of the airport building (professionally) RV-10 for himself. He gave up on Cirrus and decided to get RV instead.
They are building excellent facility for pilot's recreation, including aviation village. Their plans are to offer recreation to visiting pilots for free, the financing will be from other sources. You like travelling that part of the world Bob, by September they are done with construction, give them a call if you are passing by. RVs are everywhere and their numbers are pleasantly growing.
I do like to travel

I guess it dates back to my childhood during WWII when my parents were divorced an my brother and I made cross country trips with our mother on the greyhound buses and two lane highways. It was an adventure. Some times I would go to three different schools in the same year. Now in my 70s the things that were so meaningful earlier in life are meaningless now but the adventure of travel still gets me. Wherever I go, if I see an airplane it still causes me to stop and stare with wonder on a different spiritual level. If the airplane just happens to be a Piper Archer or an RV-6A the personal awareness is very special. Last year when we were in China I saw an ultra light flying over the Ming Tombs near Beijing. I don't say anything but when things like that happen it gives me a connection and takes me away from the crowd for a moment. I do not want to congregate with aviators or airplanes especially but there is still something magical in my mind about airplanes. When we go to Russia in September it will just be a short trip into St. Petersburg and back out again but your reference link was very interesting.

Bob Axsom