
For a personal project I am trying to compile a complete set of the former Van's newsletter, the RVator. If you have a collection of these, or know anyone who does and would be willing to contribute, please let me know. Once complete, I will have the copies scanned/digitized and post them on the web for all to use. Please email me at [email protected]. Thanks.

You probably know that Vans published several sets of 20 years of Rvator, 27 years of RVator, etc. Are you trying to duplicate this or add to it ?

Just curious. Copies are available of the vans collections.

I am aware of those, which include only the technical articles from the newsletter. I am trying to compile a complete set of cover-to-cover newsletters.

You know, the guy to check with would be Ken Scott - I think he edited it for the majority of the run, and I would bet that (like most editors) he has kept at least one copy of every issue.

Dave, I might have 5 or 6 years from the mid 90’s. Won’t be able to get to them until early next week. Will be happy to scan them for you. Will send email next week with info on what I find.
Any news about this project Dave, or anyone?

I too would be interested in a full scan of all the paper RVators. They were fun to read (the Violonist, etc), and very informative. Also a good reflection of the spirit within the company during these times :)

Gave mine away, along with all the documentation, when I sold the -4, and unfortunately those seem to have vanished from the surface of the planet according the present owner of the airplane…