
Well Known Member
I've done no work on the RV-12iS project since summer. I've been in Boston since early August taking care of my sister (leukemia) who had a stem cell transplant in July and will need to stay close to Dana Farber until at least late October.

She's doing OK although there have been times I've thought that if the leukemia doesn't kill her, I probably will, but that's been the case for most of my 69 years.

People with stem cell transplants have no immunities so any little thing can set off a life-threatening infection.

So I do a lot of cleaning -- a LOT of cleaning -- with bleach.

I made the mistake of bringing my prized Van's Aircraft anniversary T-shirt with me and it got bleach on it, and I think I mentioned that here a month or two ago. I was a tad disappointed.

Over the weekend, a package arrived from Van's Aircraft, courtesy of Marc Whisman (aka Plummit), who is also on Team CancerCare.


In the big scheme of things these are the little things that lift spirits that remind us of the things that unite us in a world that gets up every day to tear us apart.

Thank you, Marc. I'm pulling for you and your family.
In the big scheme of things these are the little things that lift spirits that remind us of the things that unite us in a world that gets up every day to tear us apart.

The RV community, the aviation community in general, but especially the RV community amazes me every day. Hang in there and help your sister through this difficult time.
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In planning for my trip for my wife and I to visit my son down at USC for parents’ weekend a few weeks back…. I thought it might be fun to swing by Triple Tree on the way…. So…I reached out to James Clark via VAF to get the particulars of flying into Triple Tree and we got to talking…. Long story short, he welcomed us to SC with open arms and a whole bunch of kindness….. He made room in his hangar for my RV7A while in Columbia. We ended up staying an extra day because of bad weather up north with no complaints from our host.

(James, thank you again sooo much! I slept better knowing my plane was safe in your hangar)
