Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
I am a fan of my specific RV-6A and long "out of the shop" RV flying things so the company paper that I initially read so carefully has transitioned into reading material slightly more interesting than my wife's daily receipt of catalogs and charity requests. One article in this issue was different. Several months ago my chief racing rival Mike Thompson mailed me a book entitled "The Flight of the Mew Gull" by Alex Henshaw. I read it and was amazed and spell bound by the enormity of what this man did as told by the man that did it in 1939 - Alex Henshaw. I was born in 1936 and have been interested in aviation all my life but I had never heard of his achievement. My brain was instantly fired into attention as I opened page 16 in the RVator and saw the photo of Alex Henshaw's Percival Mew Gull. In the article it is revealed the two aviators in different airplanes are going to try to break this record that still stands after 70 years! One of them is in an RV-7. I wish them well but down deep I have mixed emotions.

Bob Axsom