
I?m in the process of cleaning out my basement and prepping it for my eventual build. Would like to know the exact dimension of the wings with/without control surfaces if anyone has them. Would like to limit non flying hangar rental as much as possible.
Wing dimensions

My wings are complete with control surfaces and wingtip installed. 12’ 3” from inboard edge of main spar to the outer edge of the installed tip. (Tip is 17” wide at trailing edge). Leading edge of wing to trailing edge of aileron is 53” and with wings in my rolling wing rack the trailing edge of the control surfaces is 63” off the floor. You could make wing storage as compact as possible by putting the wings on the floor nose down on padding and leaving the tips, control surfaces and maybe pitot mast off.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer
Thanks for the replies. Would be pretty embarrassing to get those done and not be able to get them out of the house LOL. To bad I?m not closer to either of you. Would gladly come out and give you a hand on your builds.
Made a mock-up based off those dimensions and I could squeak them out my basement door or if need be I can go through interior stairs and out my living room. Appreciate the replies!
Sorry to bug you guys again. Do you know off hand how thick the wing is? Top to bottom skin. Thanks in advance