

Want to start planning the panel for our RV9A. What to people use to plan this out?

Is there a DXF or similar for the the RV9A panel? Also are there any download resources for Garmin etc?

Many Thanks,

Vans has panel DXF files on their website, used to be under 'downloads' but haven't checked on the updated website. Panel shown is the blank before bending the lower flange. Check dim's with your kit panel. Garmin also has STEP files of their equipment on their website, but a bit hard to find. If you can't find them, discuss with your local Garmin rep, they should be able to give you the link.
Here you go.
Oops. invalid file. Don't know how to send a .dwf without posting to a URL.

If I had an email to send it to.
Panel Design

Check out Free panel design software. Register and it keeps your designs. Works great.