
I?m a ways away from starting my build. Trying to figure out how much of it I can complete in my basement and still be able to get components out with no issues. I already know I can get the empanage, wings (without controls). What I?m wondering is. As you begin the fusalage. Is it built in 2 halves? Front and back? If so where could I find the demensions on those? I would like to limit hangar rental to final assembly as much as possible. It?s going to be some time before I build my new garage.

The RV7 and 9 A and no A all use nearly identical fuselages. They have a single piece longeron from firewall to tail on each side that goes in early during the build. I think you will need a place to put the entire fuse together; I dont see how it could be done in two halves.
You could do what I did with 2 Cozy MKIV's built in my basement: Rolled back the carpeting in the family and cut a HUGE whole in the floor. Added temporary support poles in the basement before cutting out the floor joists. With lots of help, including the local news paper reporter covering the event for front page story, we lifted out 2 fuselages off the landing gear, 2 canards, and 4 completed wings. Everything went out through the doorwall with both panes removed. Re-framed the opening in the floor and put it all back together including stretching the carpet back out. It was a well planned and executed event that took only 3 hours start to finish. I provided everyone with a BBQ lunch and beers when we were done.:)
Check out my site. I built in my basement to the point of having it completely assembled. It was only one month from the day I moved it to the airport until my first fight.

Keep in mind, my house was on a hill, so I only had to widen the 32" door to a 64" door. If you can go wider, you are better off as you could probably get it out without taking the gear off.

The more work you can do at home, the better off you are!

Here are the pictures of us getting it out of the basement and moving to the airport.
Thanks guys, guess it looks like I?ll just have to put up the new garage when I get close to that point. Cutting my floor out is out of the question since I just got done installing hardwood flooring throughout the house. My buddy suggested ripping out my basement stairs and enlarging the opening. But they were poured along with my foundation and I don?t want to mess with that. Maybe I?ll just build it in the living room and my wife can have a new coffee table for the next 12 months 🤣🤣🤣
The best way to get an idea of what is involved is look at as many builders sites as you can. There are some really good ones out there.
Is your house on a hill? Could you dig out an area on the side or rear of the house for access to a garage door in the basement? It could even be temporary.