
Well Known Member
I love the insight and experience of the VAF braintrust...

I know lots of bunny trails can be created here, and that's fine. But I hope to get opinions primarily from operators with RV8 or similar panel space, with specific consideration to the question below about a two vs one screen choice.

I am planing a panel makeover to my existing RV8 panel. My intention is for a user friendly, solid reliable IFR platform, with much cross country use.

Applying the following assumptions:

- I already possess and plan to use Avidyne IFD 540.
- 90% plan to go with dynon (& their remote trig com). Note 1
- would like to reinstall existing Stratus. Note 2

Recently retired from transportation industry so there's no shortage of IFR & IMC time. All the while, I was never personally excited about single engine night and/or IMC in my GA aircraft.

Given all the above:

Q: Do I want two 7" HDX screens, or one 10".

Note 1. from previous conversations regarding auto flight, I am advised that Garmin is has the best product. But regarding the Avidyne 540, I am also advised to avoid putting Garmin in the mix. And I already have dynon servos installed. Hence the "90 dynon" choice.

Note 2. If space allows, I can reinstall my stratus. Otherwise, for more $, go with a remote dynon, which may actually be a prerequisite for ADSB IN.
about a two vs one screen choice…..
solid reliable IFR platform, with much cross country use…
Do I want two 7" HDX screens, or one 10"……..

Note 1. I am advised that Garmin is has the best product.

For IFR use I cannot see how you would feel comfortable with one screen (unless there were other backup instruments available).

Everyone thinks that their choice was the best choice. And the more they paid for it, the more certain they are. Only you can decide what’s best for you.
- would like to reinstall existing Stratus. Note 2

Not sure if you gain anything by keeping the Stratus when the Dynon has ADSB In/Out

Q: Do I want two 7" HDX screens, or one 10".

The RV8 panel is small and you may be limited by the size. The Avidyne 540 isn't a small unit by itself so you need to plan accordingly. Do a mock up and find out what is best for your installation skill and how you fly.
Don’t hate me :cool:

90% of my flying is cross country IFR. I have one 10” and one 7” SkyView HDX EFIS display and I find this to be a very good combination. GTN-650, Dynon radio as Comm #2, Dynon remote XPDR, SkyView ADS-b receiver, Dynon AutoPilot servos and a PS Engineering PDA360EX audio panel (the best value audio panel out there - too bad they no longer make them).

Yes you can do an approach on just the 7” display. I practice that from time to time.

The GTN-650 was the least bad certified GPS navigator option at the time. I almost went with the Avidyne (and some days I wish I had).

I recommend just popping for the SkyView ADS-b receiver. This provides a very nice integrated weather and contact display on the EFIS screens. I find iPads to be very clumsy to use in flight, especially in an RV-8. I use mine for flight planning, music and the third GPS backup.

If you want to get fancy you can replace the analog AirSpeed instrument for something like the AV-30. It will fit in the same hole. On the new RV-10 I’m planning to do that.

The panel:

The panel on the bench (it comes out in a few minutes):

Just to offer another perspective; I started out buying used Dynon stuff as it was available. I wound up with 2 7" Dynon classics, AP Panel, knob panel, a SV-Com for number #1 radio, a GNS430, and the Skyview transponder and ADS-B reciever. Its a good setup. Though I haven't flow it yet, I'm pretty confident it'll be great.

However, If I were starting today, I'd really have to consider the 10" HDX, a small backup PFD and an IFD440. I really like the look.

The reason I originally went with the 2 7" displays with each having a back up battery was for redundancy. But, that big HDX display just looks so good!

Here's a pic of mine so far:

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Call the guys at Advanced Panel. They talked me out of a second screen when they could have just as easily sold me one.
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I have a setup like Walt's in my Rocket.
Reasoning: This keeps all the buttons/knobs on the left side since I like to keep my right hand on the stick as much as possible. Especially when flying IFR or Formation
Don’t hate me :cool:


Layout makes sense. Walt, do you have a second ADAHRS for the PFD?

I’m leaning toward single 10” & two ADAHRS. Then an AV for backup platform.

Once felt pretty good at old school partial panel proficiency that the Navy beat into me (followed by the company’s 727 continuing education program).

Round dual relic.
Layout makes sense. Walt, do you have a second ADAHRS for the PFD?

I’m leaning toward single 10” & two ADAHRS. Then an AV for backup platform.

Once felt pretty good at old school partial panel proficiency that the Navy beat into me (followed by the company’s 727 continuing education program).

Round dual relic.

95% of my panels get dual GSU25’s and a G5.
Get the GI275 if you want the round backup, not to mention it’s a phenomenal unit.

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Since you are looking for suggestions....an alternative would be to put in the AFS 6600. It uses the Dynon servos, EMS, ADHRS etc. You can save some money by using the TailbeaconX, which gives you a Mode S xponder and ADSB out without requiring a control head since the AFS displays the TailbeaconX info and your Stratus can give you traffic in. That's what I am installing in my 8. I have the HDX in my 7 and like it. The AFS has some really nice features which I am looking forward to trying out. FWIW.
Mine's in the shop as we speak for a G3x install similar to Walt's. The only difference is I'm using a Steinair breaker panel to go down on the right so no breakers on the panel. My logic is that I'd never reset a tripped breaker in flight anyway, unless it was critical to safely continuing. https://www.steinair.com/product/rv8-cb-panel/

Critical switches like AP/Trim, Pitot Heat, and Fuel Pump go on the left side of the panel at the bottom, as I want these in front of me should an emergency arise.

Lights and such stay down on the lower right knee panel with the breakers.

10" G3x is slightly offset right so when flying split screen the PFD is centered on me.


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95% of my panels get dual GSU25’s and a G5.
Get the GI275 if you want the round backup, not to mention it’s a phenomenal unit.


Your thoughts on dual G3X GDU 470 vs single G3X GDU 460

Have you fit or will they; RV8
left:GMC 507 on top of GTN 750,
middle: dual 7” portrait G3X GDU 470,
left: G5
Personally, i don't think I'd be very comfortable with just one screen for IFR but obviously panel space is limited.

For such a small panel, my vote would be for one 10" screen plus a Garmin G5 backup. You can get the experimental one with a backup battery for around $2k and it fits in a standard round instrument hole.

If you go to the website hangarflying.com they have a free panel designer with all of the common stuff already loaded in so you can just click and drag to see how stuff will fit.
Here’s mine… I even have an extra panel with cutouts to sell.


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Your thoughts on dual G3X GDU 470 vs single G3X GDU 460

Have you fit or will they; RV8
left:GMC 507 on top of GTN 750,
middle: dual 7” portrait G3X GDU 470,
left: G5

Here's an RV8 I did some time back with dual GDU's as an example.
This was some time ago and customer wanted some round gauges so had to extend the panel to fit them, plus he opted to have the radio stack on the "wrong" side, but you get the idea. Personally, I like it, but there are some compromises as the screen area is actually a little less so the eng gauges take up map space on the MFD. (note G5 not available back then and these are GDU370's)


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Here's an RV8 I did some time back with dual GDU's as an example.
This was some time ago and customer wanted some round gauges so had to extend the panel to fit them, plus he opted to have the radio stack on the "wrong" side, but you get the ideal. Personally, I like it, but there are some compromises as the screen area is actually a little less so the eng gauges take up map space on the MFD. (note G5 not available back then and these are GDU370's)

I do get the idea. Put GTN on left side with 507 on top, install a G5. Get rid of steam gauges. I wanted separate mfd/pfd for redundancy.

Thank you sir
This is where I’m sitting

Recommend you consider moving the GPS-175 to very top of the plane on the left side of the EFIS. The little display is hard enough to see, don’t make it harder. ATC is alway itching to give you new routing that you have to fat finger in.

You can then move the AV-30 to the top of the panel on the right of the EFIS.

For all you Garmin guys, I note the trend is to put the AutoPilot box above the GPS navigator. The same applies - more it below the GPS navigator. Move the audio panel to the bottom as it is rarely touched in flight.

I'll wade in to the discussion a bit. I get paid to fly IFR, I don't make a habit of doing it on my days off. My airplane is IFR. I do next to no IFR flying. I realize many of you have no choice but to file and fly IFR based on where you live etc. For me personally, the IFR capability is only there if I MUST do it. Even then, it's gonna have to have a pretty compelling reason. Next, the weather that I am in, needs to have a bare minimum ceiling and visibility of 1000 and 2 miles. I'd like to have at least a fighting chance to save myself when I glide out of the bases with the engine stopped. Therefore, most of the weather I could find myself in, that isn't VMC, will likely lead to a hotel, a burger, and a beer. Your mileage and risk tolerance will certainly vary.

With that being said. I fly airplanes where the mode control panel is front and center at the highest point in the glare shield. Most airplanes that fly like that have that exact same position. Many of the modern airplanes and avionics installs have followed that which has been developed for airliners. It works, once you are used to it, then you will understand how efficient it is. As well as a one stop look to see what modes your autopilot is using. Then you can cross check the flight mode annunciation that is directly above your primary flight display. (Garmin)

With regards to flight plan edits and the location of your navigator. I use Garmin Pilot on the iPad mini to display traffic at all times. I also use it for all flight planning. If I am flying IFR and get a re-route, I simply get the navigator going to the initial cleared fix. Then build the flight plan on the iPad. Cross check it, then upload it to the 375. Again, most of my experience in the last 30 years, has been using MCDU, GFMS, FMC(S) to interact with the navigation capabilities. Nothing has to be done in a hurry, and it's better to cross check. Trying to press buttons on a little navigator screen in turbulence can be difficult. Bracing your hand on your leg with the iPad in the other hand is easy, for me.

Finally, one v. two screens. Two is obviously better, if you're out doing a lot of IFR flying in hard IMC to weather that is at or just above minimums. As stated above, my personal weather minimums are pretty much basic VFR. If I ever happen to find myself in the soup, and the 460 fails. I'll declare an emergency, get vectors and a descent using the G5 and hopefully be able to get headed toward an airport using the iPad and whatever is left in the airplane. Last resort will be the iPad level or a app for flight attitude. Engine management will be based off feel and familiarity.

This is the internet, you get what you pay for, and your mileage will certainly vary. Good luck and most importantly. . . FLY Carefully! :)


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Jason I'm trying to decide if I should mount the AP head above or below the Navigator. My RV8 is in the shop getting a G3X, G5, and GTN 650. I'm just wrapping up my IFR rating now, basically just waiting for a checkride.

All my IMC time has been in a G1000 equipped 172. I prefer to have the MFD on the right split with the overhead map, and the flight plan showing line by line so I can see my next wp, altitudes, etc.

For this reason, I wanted the NAV as high as possible to the left so my line by line plan shows right next to my PFD. Since the AP modes show in the G3X, I figured having the AP head lower isn't a problem.

I have zero experience with the above setup so I'm making a guess here.
Doing the same...

I love the insight and experience of the VAF braintrust...

I know lots of bunny trails can be created here, and that's fine. But I hope to get opinions primarily from operators with RV8 or similar panel space, with specific consideration to the question below about a two vs one screen choice.

I am planing a panel makeover to my existing RV8 panel. My intention is for a user friendly, solid reliable IFR platform, with much cross country use.

Applying the following assumptions:

- I already possess and plan to use Avidyne IFD 540.
- 90% plan to go with dynon (& their remote trig com). Note 1
- would like to reinstall existing Stratus. Note 2

Recently retired from transportation industry so there's no shortage of IFR & IMC time. All the while, I was never personally excited about single engine night and/or IMC in my GA aircraft.

Given all the above:

Q: Do I want two 7" HDX screens, or one 10".

Note 1. from previous conversations regarding auto flight, I am advised that Garmin is has the best product. But regarding the Avidyne 540, I am also advised to avoid putting Garmin in the mix. And I already have dynon servos installed. Hence the "90 dynon" choice.

Note 2. If space allows, I can reinstall my stratus. Otherwise, for more $, go with a remote dynon, which may actually be a prerequisite for ADSB IN.

I'm finally getting around to updating my panel. I'm having Advanced help with the panel and integration with their ACM. I just sent in my deposit. I'm using two Dynon screens up front with either the IFD440 or GNT650 and a 7in screen in the back. I'm leaning towards the IFD440 since they have the IFD100 App that could be used by the backseater for full control.

I'll be interested to see how you integrate the IFD540. I've thought about replacing my 7in screen with an IFD550 since it would be a nice backup to the Dynon system with the ARS.

Here is my current draft configuration.


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I don’t hate you Walt. Seems like we have similar tastes.

I decided to put the GTN on the right side. I wanted the GDU to be more to the left since just about everything gets controlled on it.

Remote radio, transponder, and audio panel used since the larger navigator eats up space.

And since the G5 is not controlled by the GDU, I wanted it to be left hand controlled.

I also wanted the navigator on top of the 507 to keep eye height up on the GTN.

Whatever you decide, good luck on choosing what, where, and who. Fortunately, there are lots of options these days. You will get many opinions. Until you decide, onward thru the fog.


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