Jimmie Kemp

I'm New Here
I'm installing a pair of garmin G5s and a GNX 375 in my RV8. I would like some advice on where to mount the garmin antenna and magnetometer. Thank you.

I'm installing a pair of garmin G5s and a GNX 375 in my RV8. I would like some advice on where to mount the garmin antenna and magnetometer. Thank you.
For the Magnetometer, I went with the end of the left wing. I've got a GRT, so not 100% sure that Garmin wants theirs to be as far away from ferrous metal like GRT, but physics are physics.

The magnetometer is attached with double sided tape inside the 2nd hole in this picture.


I hope the flyleds in the wing tip does not have any impact - have not yet tested that.
I have flyled's nav/strobe in the tips and baja squadron pro landing lights with the Garmin magnetometer mounted on a right angle bracket mounted to the ribs at the mainspar. Works fine. No interference. My understanding is that you don't want to go too far aft as the aileron counterbalance can cause problems.
Sorry, but I can't find a pic of the install.

RV-7 (but same wing as the 8)
no interference

I have flyled's nav/strobe in the tips and baja squadron pro landing lights with the Garmin magnetometer mounted on a right angle bracket mounted to the ribs at the mainspar. Works fine. No interference. ...
Thanks for the pirep Tom.
a pair of garmin G5s and a GNX 375

No -8, but just finished the same install on my -6. OAT sensor in the right wing, access thru the aileron bellcrank panel. The magnetometer is installed according specific type recommendations, see end of the IM, on the flat sheet on the fuse between the leading edges of the HS. All ground tests and calibrations ok, no interference. Installed the WAAS on top fuselage, between the end of the cowling and the windscreen.

All ground tests performed good, now just waiting for the :mad: fog to clear to flight test...
GMU 11 Installation

I'm installing a pair of garmin G5s and a GNX 375 in my RV8. I would like some advice on where to mount the garmin antenna and magnetometer. Thank you.

Hi Jimmie,

The GMU 11 is an extremely sensitive magnetic sensor, so it is important to choose a suitable installation location, and properly align the unit when installing it. This table outlines the recommended separation from various types of magnetic interference.


You can basically use this as a way to prioritize what is most important to avoid. For a wing mounted unit, it will be important that any lights installed in the wing are not grounded to the air frame out in the wing. You will want to run a dedicated ground return back to the fuselage. Also any electrical conductor running through the wing, should be twisted, shielded, and routed as far away from the GMU 11 and its wiring harness as feasibly possible.

Feel free to reach out to us directly if you have any other questions that come up.


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....Also any electrical conductor running through the wing, should be twisted, shielded, and routed as far away from the GMU 11 and its wiring harness as feasibly possible.
I'm not sure why shielding other wires would be needed since that is for e-fields. Twisting load conductors with the return current conductor makes sense, but not e-field shielding as a hard requirement for other circuits in the area (they may need shielding for their own reasons, but that is a different matter).

The guidance in Table 15-4 seems a bit "motherhood and apple pie", rather than practical guidance for our compact airframes. Perhaps your EMI engineer can provide some input on the items of most impact. Appendix B seems to indicate good results with the aft fuselage shelf, even though it violates several of the guidance criteria. (trim motor, tailwheel spring and mount, etc.)
Hey g3xprt;

I had a wire harness made up by my avionics supplier to connect my GMU11 to the G5. The harness that serves the GMU11 has a twisted shielded sheathed CAN BUS but the power and ground are individual wires and laced to the CAN BUS. What are your thoughts on that? Seems like I should change that to comply with your advice
