
Well Known Member
Some of my RV FB's know my other passion is umpiring baseball. This year I was honored to be selected to umpire the Little League World Series Big League Division. I had to leave the day after RV BBQ at Oshkosh to fly to Easley South Carolina for the tournament.

The Championship game is tomorrow at 12 pm EST on ESPN. I've been assigned to umpire at 3rd base. Won't get a lot of TV time but you should get to see my ugly mug a couple of times!!!!

Now, someone call ESPN and tell them one the umpires was crazy enough to fly to the tournament in a plane he built. Let's get some RV exposure!!!
VAF hat or something

RV7Guy said:
Some of my RV FB's know my other passion is umpiring baseball. This year I was honored to be selected to umpire the Little League World Series Big League Division. I had to leave the day after RV BBQ at Oshkosh to fly to Easley South Carolina for the tournament.

The Championship game is tomorrow at 12 pm EST on ESPN. I've been assigned to umpire at 3rd base. Won't get a lot of TV time but you should get to see my ugly mug a couple of times!!!!

Now, someone call ESPN and tell them one the umpires was crazy enough to fly to the tournament in a plane he built. Let's get some RV exposure!!!

Hey Darwin!
Can you put a VAF ball cap on part of the time so we can find you on the field?? :D Or can you put a VAF decal on your other side when your kneeled over, it would make a good TV shot :D :p Just kidding BTW. Glad your having fun.

Hey Darwin,

We got blown out this am. Watched first inning. Jay Pratt stopped by with Carrol and we went and had lunch. Two special RV people in one day. Small world. Hope you had fun.
Nice meeting you today

Nice to meet you today and thanks for stopping by next door to your hanger there at LQK Pickens County. I hope our 7A turns out as well as your 7. Really good looking bird.
Tyler Bryant N174MT reserved
Final stages of RV7A
Nice meeting you too

I was telling the guy that was with me that there was probably another RV being built at the airport. Sure enough, we run into you guys.

Your plane is great looking too. You should be flying soon. Keep everyone posted on the big day.

Made it home from Pickens County Airport in South Carolina to P19 in Chandler AZ in 9.5 hours of flight time. Not bad considering I had head winds all the way.

Thank goodness for the 496. It allowed me to make it home avoiding weather in the last 120 miles.
Glad you're home safe Darwin! That was a TRIP!! I watched the game, and saw you several times! :cool: :cool:
Good deal Darwin..............did you get a chance to wear your hat somewhat sideways.................................inside joke. Glad you made it back safely.

BlackRV7 said:
Good deal Darwin..............did you get a chance to wear your hat somewhat sideways.................................inside joke. Glad you made it back safely.

Oh yeah!!! No shortage there at all. Continuation of the inside joke :cool: