
Experienced a high oil temp whilst taxiing the other day. Fairly long taxi, about 5 to 8 mins, 1000 meters.

Oil temp had climbed to over 220. Promptly taxiied back in, popped the cowls off, inspected level, looked for blocked oil cooler etc. No abnormalities found. Pressure steady around 60.

Went and ground run it again, and It went to 190ish. :confused:

See plot from savvyAnalysis

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More information would help ...

How many hours on the engine ...
Did you changed anything recently ...
Does the mentioned situation apeard from one day to the other ...

This information would help a bit :rolleyes:
How many hours on the engine ...
Did you changed anything recently ...
Does the mentioned situation apeard from one day to the other ...

This information would help a bit :rolleyes:

Right you are.

425 hours on engine, new to me aricraft and engine
Nothing changed recently
Only time I've ever noticed it happen.

One other thing i did forget it taht it has a raven inverted oil system fitted.
I would not expect oil temp problems on the ground that are not also present in cruise. Heat load introduced to the oil at low RPMs is pretty limited. I would be looking closer blockage or sensor issues.

Why is the oil temp immediately at 200 degrees before engine start? Doesn't this indicate a sensor issue?


Some context, had just flown an hour of circuits, then sat on the ground for 15 or so minutes