RV7A Performance with Mattituck TMX OF360

I fly a friends RV7A with a beautiful TMX OF360, that has a FADEC system and electronic ignition.

How can I get performance numbers for ForeFlight and just for personal reference?

Are there any RV7A owners flying this setup that can share performance numbers?

Thank you in advance!
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Thank you. Borrowed the POH and found the numbers for this build.

I have been involved with Van's RV's since late 1980's. One thing that impressed me and still does, Van's aircraft do what they say they will do, as advertised... That was a rare thing in kit planes then and even now. People made claims for kit planes that never met those performance numbers (or never flew, a lot of paper airplanes).

Those numbers in the link are correct. Some RV's will be slower and some faster. It depends on weight, fit and finish and actual engine HP and efficiency.

Not sure what POH you have. For what airplane? Like to see it. RV's have been around for over 40 years. The performance is well understood. Good luck.